Hank got into his car, and drove back to the house. The door was still wide open. Which wasn't good. He walked in, sat at the table and put the Ouija board on the table. He had already broken multiple rules. He said what was supposed to be said. He asked "Are you here with me Jane." The piece slid over to no. Hank swallowed, "Who are you ?" The piece spelled out "Don't worry about it."Hank starting panting. "Did you kill my wife?" He asked, then it slid to yes. Hank started to tear up. "Why did you do it?" It spelled, D.I.E. Hank said goodbye and ran out to his car and started to drive back to his mothers. He drove fast, the cop pulled him over, "Yes, officer?" Hank said.
"Why are you speeding at such late hours?" The officer stared at him.
"Um, something is After me." Hank said. The officer looked behind them, and said,
"Nothing is there, are you okay sir."the officer looked shocked, more worried.
Hank said" I have to go back home. Sorry. I'm in a hurry."
The officer looked at him, "you can go, hurry now." Hank started back. Out of nowhere a semi truck drove right into him pushing him and his car off the mountain. His car exploded there was nothing left of Hank.