Day 1

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I got to the villa and there was no one around. I have been watching the show since 2016 so I know how it works. I made my way into the bedrooms and I left my stuff beside the box by the bed with my name on. I opened the lid and pulled out the water bottle and went to the kitchen to clean and fill the bottle

I was in the kitchen looking for the squash when I heard another car pull up. I left the bottle on the side and I ran through the villa to the door where I saw two boys and a girl get out of three cars. The girl doesn't grab her bags she just comes straight over to me
"Hi!" She hugged me
"Hey" I hugged her back
"I'm Twyla, what's your name?" The small blonde girl smiled
"Oh my! I love your name!" She chuckled then went to get her bags. I walked over to the boys
"Hi, I'm Leigh-Allyn, who are yous?" My Scottish accent powering through
"I'm Terry" a tall tattooed man said
"I'm Callum" a shorter man said
"Follow me" I said to the others as I led them to the bedrooms to leave their bags and to get their water bottles. I wanted to unpack my things and leave my hair brush and makeup bag in the dressing room. I took my toothbrush and left it in a little holder by the sink
"Leigh-Allyn, where's the kitchen?" I turned to see Terry
"Call me Leigh, and come with me" I smile
"Ah that rhymes" we laughed on our way to the kitchen

"So Leigh. Tell me about yourself" Terry said after I picked up my water bottle to put ice in it
"I'm 23, this is my natural hair colour, I'm not this tall" I point at my wedges "and I'm really excited to meet everyone. Tell me about you" I put water in the bottle
"I'm 26, I had frosted tips when I was 18 and I'm here to find a wife" He looked in a cupboard "also where's the juice?" I laughed
"I have no idea where it is. I was looking for it just now" I said helping him search some more

After maybe 10 minutes we heard another car pull up
"Let's go" I said to Terry
"Race ya" he ran, so I chased him to the front of the villa to welcome the others

"I beat you" I laughed
"You're fast" Terry said
"Guys, there's another boy and another girl" Twyla points out
"We're the chosen 6" Callum announces as the two other people got out the cars
"hi guys" I walked over
"Hi, I'm Summer" the dark haired girl smiled at us as she takes her bags out the car
"I'm Leigh-Allyn"
"I'm Callum"
"I'm Terry"
"Ashton" the light skin man smiled
"Come with us, we'll take you to the rooms" Twyla said. Everyone walked ahead. I still couldn't believe I was here
"Hey, Leigh-Allyn, it's exciting isn't it?" Callum said
"So exciting. I can't believe we're here and we're the first 6" I chuckle
"It's class. How old are you?"
"23. How about you?"
"25" we walked through the bedrooms and out by the pool. I had a cute little dress on with wedges that made me 3 inches taller

"I'm going to change into something more suitable for swimming and catching a tan" I smiled at Callum as we parted ways

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"I'm going to change into something more suitable for swimming and catching a tan" I smiled at Callum as we parted ways.

I went into the bedroom where my almost fully packed suitcases were. I bought them to the dressing rooms where there were wardrobes to leave all our clothes and things. I unpacked all my clothes and bikinis and leaving out my favourite one

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