Day 2

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"Guys be quiet, Leigh-Allyn is still asleep" Terry was laying in bed with me still. I was pretending to be asleep. I was so tired
"I'm sorry, I'm just getting my bottle" Summer said
"Okay be quick. Don't wake her. She's tired"
"Alright lover boy" she chuckled and left. I waited a few minutes before turning to face the boy I was coupled up with
"Morning" I whispered
"Morning sleeping beauty" He started playing with my hair
"What time is it?"
"It's uhh" he picked up his phone "10:17"
"Oh god. I slept for ages" I was slightly embarrassed
"Don't be silly. Everyone else has been up for an hour at most" he sat up slightly and took a sip of water
"I wish we could stay in bed all day" I sat up too
"Me too but we should probably get some food" he got out of bed "you can go get ready and I'll bring you a coffee?" He said
"Are you sure? I just need a shower and to get into my bikini and I'll be down" he got out of bed then leant into me to give me a kiss on the cheek
"See you in a moment" he left. I got out of bed and went for a shower

I put on my bikini and took my hair out of the braids

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I put on my bikini and took my hair out of the braids

I put on my bikini and took my hair out of the braids

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And it looked a bit like this. I went downstairs to meet everyone else and I bumped into Terry
"Oh, sorry. Here's your coffee" he handed me a large mug of coffee
"Oh thank you so much" I needed that coffee
"Let's go get some fruit" we walked to the kitchen
"Morning sleepyhead" Tobi laughed
"Good morning Tobi" I smiled walking to the fridge
"Sleep well?" He asked
"Yeah i did. It was nice to wake up with someone and not alone and lost" I chuckled
"Yeah i get what you mean. He was very protective of you while you were sleeping. He kept telling us to shut up and to get out in case any of us woke you" Tobi looked between us all
"Oh my god. Terry!" I looked with a mocking look of shock
"No. What? No I didn't" he got all defensive, it was kind of cute
"Terry you're such a liar" Summer said walking into the kitchen. He half blushed
"No. I weren't saying anything like that" he looked offended almost
"Tel it's okay" I laughed
"Nah but I don't want you to think I said that stuff"
"I'll be honest I was awake for a while and heard a little bit" I laughed
"You what?" He was confused but was laughing
"Yep. For about 10 minutes before I actually opened my eyes" I admit
"Oh wow. You're cheeky" he put his bottle down and looked at me for a minute. I knew exactly what he was going to do so I took my mic off and paused for a minute. He looked at me and took his mic off too. I started running knowing that he'd run after me. I kept running and running hearing his feet hitting the ground behind me, I slowed down very slightly as I neared the pool. I reached the pool edge and I sharply turned left and turned to be behind Terry and pushed him in the pool
"Don't mess with me Tel boy" I laughed. He came to the surface and spluttered a bit
"Leigh-Allyn you are getting it" he pulled himself out of the pool and pulled me into a hug only to turn me towards the pool and push me. I grabbed his hand and dragged him in with me
"You really think you could get me in here without backlash?" I laughed at him
"Yeah i did. Guess not you spawn of Satan" he laughed and I splashed him and soon people started to jump in and join us. It was chaos. We were all in the pool for about an hour when we heard a phone go off and we all rushed to get towels and to check our phones
"It's me" Tobi said "islanders, there's some suitcases with some facts in them. Go and get them facts straight #factinhand #getgrafting #hotbods #cutegirls"
"Oo I love a challenge" Tasha said "let's go" and we all left. Some of the couples hand in hand but not me and Terry. I was on his back
"Tel, why did you choose me?"
"Well I'll be honest, you're the prettiest, you're the funniest and we immediately got on and you're easy to get on with, you have no cares and I like it" he carried on strutting to the challenge site
"You really think I'm carefree?"
"I'm having that as a compliment"
"It was intended to be one" I was smiling like an idiot on his back
"So dreams? You got any?" He was speeding up a bit so we could keep up with the others
"Well I love dancing but I really love designing clothes. It's the most fun ever. I can make clothes from almost nothing. Give me some shirts, or old pairs of trousers, socks, dresses anything and I can turn it into something. I want to be as big as all the brands but i idolise Louis Vuitton. They're just such an epic brand, always new ideas and things. That's how I want to be. How about you? Any dreams?" I realised I had gotten carried away but I didn't apologise, I just carried on chatting and drifted the conversation to him
"Actually yeah, I want to get old with the love of my life and as long as I have her I'll do anything and I'll attempt anything. I just want the support and love and to get married" we got to the challenge destination and we all waited. Me and Terry continued talking
"That's a beautiful dream"
"A dream is only tell a beautiful person" he held my hand and squeezed it. There was quiet chat but we didn't want to be too loud in case we missed the text and sure enough, Lexi's phone beeped
"The rules are, boys go first and take it in turns to pick a suitcase and read the fact and kiss the girl you think it is"
"Sounds pretty simple" Ashton said
"Yeah seems alright" Josh agreed
"Alright. Line up then girls" Terry pointed us into a line. We did so. I was beside Lexi and Twyla
"How do we know who goes first?" Callum asked then Tobi's phone beeped
"That's how" Tasha laughed. Tobi picked a suitcase and read the fact
"This girl once went to Torremolinos and got so drunk and she got arrested" Tobi looked at us all "uhh" he walked over to Tasha and hesitated. After a minute he asked "is it okay if I give you a kiss?" He nodded so he did. He stepped back in line with the boys and then says "am I right?"
"Yeah you are" she chuckled a bit
"Tash, tell us the story" Twyla insisted
"Okay okay but first I gotta tell you that it wasn't just me and I got arrested for being associated"
"So.. tell us" Lexi nudged her
"Okay so me and two of my friends went to Spain and we were so drunk. Like crazy drunk and one of the girls was doing a lot of grafting with a security guard in the club, I was flirting with the bartender and our other friend was sat on the floor with a guy because she had fallen. So my friend who was flirting with the guard ended up kissing him and being really violent to the point she smashed her glass against the wall and held the broken glass to his neck because he wouldn't kiss her on the job. During this whole time he had managed to get the police round and she ratted me and our other friend out so we all got arrested" she looked around
"Wow. Your friend sounds spicy" Callum laughed. We all laughed with him
"Who's next?" Tobi asked. Ashton's phone beeped
"Me" he picked up a suitcase and opened it "this girl snuck out of her house to get on a flight to Barbados with her friends" he looked at us "you guys are crazy" he laughed before going over to Twyla and looking at us all again. He leant in for a kiss and she kissed him back  "I think it's you" he said once they had pulled away
"Well you're right" she smiled
"Twy!!" I laugh
"What?" She said playing dumb
"You were ruthless. Did you get away with it?" I ask
"For a while until my brother wouldn't cover for me anymore" she admitted
"Brothers can be so mean sometimes" i point out "I would know" I played around rolling my eyes. Callum's phone beeped. He picked up a suitcase
"Okay this girl grew up on a farm in Wiltshire" he looked at us all and he headed straight to me and kissed me. I pushed him away gently "was I right?" He asked awkwardly
"Nope" I looked at Terry. He didn't look happy  at all
"Oh. Sorry" he stepped back into line "who was it?" Summer stepped forward "really?" He sounded shocked
"Yep" she sighed a bit. She sounded disappointed that he didn't kiss her, after all they were coupled up. Terry's phone beeped. He picked a suitcase which read
"This girl has naturally ginger hair and was bullied for it" he looked straight at me. He walked over and kissed me passionately. I kissed back with just as much passion
"Well done sherlock" I chuckle and kiss him again
"Thank you" he had his hands on my waist "and by the way, you shouldn't have dyed your hair, I bet it was gorgeous" he whispered to me before turning away to get back in line
"Wow. You guys are cute" Lexi whispered to me as Terry walked back to the other boys. He smiled at me
"Thank you Lex" I smile at her. Josh's phone beeped and he picked up a suitcase
"This girl once killed her sisters goldfish and didn't admit that she had killed it" he put the suitcase down and looked at us. I burst out laughing which made everyone else laugh
"Please who did that?" My Scottish accent was especially strong when I laugh. Everyone else was laughing with me. I crouch down where I was laughing so hard
"I think it's you Tash" he steps forward and kisses Tasha. Tasha kisses him back
"Was he right?" Tobi asked. She nodded. I laughed harder
"Tash how did you kill her goldfish?" I had tears rolling down my face
"It was an accident. I over fed him and when I went back he was dead" I ended up sitting on the floor with Twyla hanging off me where we were both laughing so hard
"Does she know it was you?" Summer asked giggling
"She does now" Terry laughed. We all laughed for a few moments before Lexi's phone beeped telling her that it was the girls turn to pick a suitcase starting with Lexi. Lexi picked up a suitcase

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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