Chapter 2 Who am I?

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(I appologise for the interchange of underlined and Italicised thoughts etc. but I had difficulty cutting and pasting my file.)

Southeastern Idaho wind rearranged the powdery snow that blanketed the small farm. Eighteen year old Nikki Jessop pulled her green and white, snowflake patterned, crocheted cap ever her ears, tightened the leather shoulder strap across her chest that both held her book bag and helped keep her tan, wool, hand-me-down coat closed, and trudged out ot the school bus stop at the end of the country road. She smiled at the silver-white snow clouds that sparkled in the bright December sun as they flew and fell with the intermittent gusts. Best part of winter, she thought. Just as pretty as when the potato plants are in bloom. Beautiful was to end the year too. Maybe 1961 will bring a beautiful end to the Vietnam War.

Nikki paused by the fence line to push a lock of her straight black hair out of her face. Rainbows of color danced across the waist long lock as it rippled down her back. The Starling that had made its home in the barn landed on the nearest post. Green and blue highlights lit up its black feathers as it hopped around to face her. As it emitted short squawks, Nikki mentally saw a bird's eye view of the school bus spinning out in a drift at another stop.

"Thank you, Gorgeous George," she verbally and metally told her feathered friend and gently stroked its sleek back. She pulled a folded napkin out of her pocket and from it took a scrap of toast. "I saved this for you," she said and placed it on the post top.

George squawked, grabbed the piece and flew to the barn.

Her smile widened as she saw her father playing with Debby Sanchez, her foster niece and Debby's best friends, Jane and Alice, who were already at the stop. Four years earlier, Debby's mother Andrea Sanchez, had come looking for a job and a place to live for her and her child. Minnie Jessop, Nikki's mother, had increasing problems with arthritis, so Andrea was hired. Nikki was fascinated by Andrea as all the young woman would say about her past was that she had run away from her abusive husband. Soon though Andrea proved to be an honest, hardworking person and she and Debby were accepted as family.

Howard Jessop was dressed in his signature denim overalls, red and black woolen coat with matching hat and gloves and half-laced high-top boots. He stomped around in the drifts, arms raised and roaring. Each time the squealing first graders pelted him with snow blobs, he stumbled back "moaning in mortal agony". The girls' wool snowsuits had started out different colors but were now all dusted white.

Howard met her halfway to the stop. "How's George this morning," he asked cheerfully.

Nikki glanced to make sure the girls were out of earshot. They were busy making a "real" snow monster. "He's fine," she replied, "he told me the bus is stuck a half mile down the road. Dad, it's supposed to be nasty today. I think you should take it easy. I'll do any chores you don't get to after school. Christmas is Sunday. Call it an early present. Seriously, your chest hurt again last night and at your age that's not good."

Howard gently placed his large hands on Nikki's slender shoulders. "Don't bury me yet," he teased. "I'm 63, not 103. I'll be fine. But I'll keep that in mind. You have a nice day at school and don't worry about your old dad."

He chuckled as they walked to the corner. She greeted Alice and Jane.

Debby spouted out, "well it's about time you got here. Wha'ja loose now?"

"My Government book, you haven't seen it have you?" she answered then chided. "You are plastered. If the bus' heater is working, you'll be sopping by the time you get to school."

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