Chapter 48 Nikana te Danniell resletan cople sematar.

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Debby did her best to console Felisa after the child woke from her afternoon nap crying for her mother. "It is alright Lissi, Ana and Grandmami are here and your papi will be back soon."

Taet picked her granddaughter up and rocked her gently.  "There, there, my heart, I know you want your mami. I want her too. She cannot be with us for a long, long time."

Felisa wailed, "she on dat tabow. I want her to wake up.

"She cannot," Taet stroked Felisa's head and kissed her curls. "The bad male hurt Mami so much that her spirit went to Heaven. Now you have to wait until your spirit goes to Heaven to see her again. I am so sorry."

The door of the small office the prisoners were stuffed into flew open. Ricand and Gorel were shoved in. The door slammed shut behind them. Ricand took Felisa and looked around for his other two. Gorel stood where he was and solemnly announced.

"They are coming for us in ten minutes. We will wait on the landing for fifteen more minutes and see if Niel and Nikki come. We will have chairs this time. He wants us comfortable before he shoots us."

Debby stated firmly, "they will come. And they will bring the Páji and the Planetary Alliance too. Father God told me they will. He gave me a dream before we left Earth."

The thick silence following was broken by Ricand the Younger's cries as he too woke up. Carman was sitting next to him and scooped him up tenderly. Grandpapi took grandson over to his father and the diaper bag. Carman walked to the door so all could see him.

"I too believe they will come. Our family has been blessed and sheltered for so long. However, as Merla well knows, life holds no promise to spare us from sorrow, only that the Parents would be with us always. The Redeemer understands grief. He felt it and more. We will pray and then we will face Scorleus and his army with courage, as faithful Followers." There was a murmur of assent and heads bowed.

While Carman offered prayer, Debby planned her attack.  She would not even wait until Aunt Nikki touched down. As soon as the ships arrived, she would run up to Commander Scorleus and knock him down and kick him until he screamed.  Only then would she stop and turn what was left of him over to

Nikki. Then she would find out who fixed Scorleus and let him out of the hospital and start on that person. The last words of the prayer broke through her scheming.

"And above all Dear Father, help us have your love in our hearts to forgive those who have done evil to us."

She hung her head and cried until the guards came.

Scorleus stood in full dress uniform, proud and cocky, ready to execute judgment and take his place in history. All his years of faithful service had finally paid off. He had awakened in the intensive care unit from his drug induced sleep in more pain than he thought possible. Senator Alaham had been standing by his bedside and had motioned to be silent. Then the older male's hands had circled next to the bandages. Clear blue-green light had poured from the moving palms. Slowly the pain had stopped. He had heard an order in his mind to rise and dress. He had looked at his hands and chest and had found all his lines gone. As his healer had handed him his clothes, Scorleus had realized who the male was. Information and commands had poured into his mind so rapidly he became dizzy. Mordok had laughed and infused him with one more beam of light. This one had energized and invigorated him. He had closed his eyes to let it all sink in and when he had opened them, Mordok was gone. 

It was easy to be in the right places at the right times to stop the rebellion. Mordok had assured him that the Two would be found floating lifeless offshore of Edawe. He was also promised the Empire. He simply had to declare the Senior Senator as the second victim of the Two of Murder. He smiled as the prisoners took their chairs.

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