"You're Not Alone. You'll Never Be Alone."

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Type - Angsty Fluff





Third Person POV:

It was twelve in the morning, and the rain was pouring down harder and faster. The downpour didn't seem to bother Izuku as he stood on the roof, his gaze drifting downwards. He wouldn't do it, he couldn't do it, but it was so tempting. One blade was grasped tightly in his left hand as his gaze drifted upwards. Blood trickled down his arms where new cuts lay, the rain water washing the crimson liquid away.

Just kill yourself.
You're not worth it.
You're a waste of breath.
Your boyfriend wouldn't miss you.
No one would miss you.
You're fucking useless.
Why didn't you listen to Bakugou?
God, you waste everyone's time.
End it all.
Right here.
Right now.
What are you waiting for?
No one will miss you.
No one will care.
They'll forget about you.
Go ahead.
Just fucking die.

Daily thoughts, daily mindset, daily truths. The greenette found it near impossible to ignore the voice, to disagree with the echoey threats. He should have listened to Katsuki when they were in junior high. He should have taken a swan dive off the roof, but he didn't. He should have listened to everything anyone had ever told him, and just... ended it all.

But now? There was only one person, one sole being who kept Izuku going. One person who stopped Izuku from ending it all. That simple, singular person was Eijirou Kirishima.

The two males had been dating since first year, and ever since that fateful day, Izuku was gifted a new reason to keep living, to never give up. Everything Izuku had accomplished, everything Izuku had done was entirely thanks to Kirishima. All of it was because of Kirishima.

Speaking of the manly redhead, he paced around his dorm, pondering where the fuck his boyfriend could be. Something had told the second year male to wake up, and quickly. He didn't know why or what any of it meant, but he listened to his gut feeling. Eijirou knew his boyfriend had depression, so the sudden disappearance of his beloved greenie worsened his anxiety. Worry seemed to course through the redhead's veins as he thought of every possible location that his lover could have run off to. That's when it hit him - the roof!! Izuku usually went there for comfort, but that never seemed to ease the overbearing nerves.

Without a moment's hesitation, Eijirou tossed on his crocs and sped through the dorm building. A staircase that led directly to the roof sat at the end of the hall, and the spunky teen had memorised the exact placement. He bolted up the two flights of stairs before reaching the door.

With a calming sigh, Eijirou opened the door, and looked out on the soaked scene. Sure enough, there sat his boyfriend on the edge of the roof. The greenette had never sat that close to the edge, and it made Ei's heart pound inside his chest. He hated the sight. Although he knew Izuku wouldn't jump, he couldn't have been too sure.

Tears shot to the edges of his eyes, and a sob caught in his throat, "Izuku... Come here, please..." Eijirou stepped out onto the roof, propping the door open with a rock. Midoriya turned his head to face the other, and immediately noticed the almost defeated and terrified expression that sat on his face. Pain, as sharp as a dagger, stabbed the freckled male's heart, coaxing him to stand and run towards his lover. He knew how bad the scene must've appeared, and in no way was that the intention.

The two met, and Eijirou hugged his beloved as if he were never letting go. If Izuku didn't say anything just a few moments after, Eijirou probably wouldn't let go. The tears were spilling now, and neither of them tried to stop the fallen droplets. It pained Izuku seeing Eijirou like this, and it pained Eijirou seeing Izuku like this. It was only out of love, but either way, both males hated seeing the other so broken, so hurt.


A few minutes passed before the two finally pulled away. The rain had let up now, so both individuals stayed outside. Kirishima's hand rested on Izuku's cheek, and the greenette leaned into the warmth. Eijirou's other hand grasped Izuku's hand, and the two shared a gentle, but still hurt, smile.

"W-why were y-you up here, Izuku?" Just based off the hesitation and stuttering found in Kirishima's voice, Izuku knew about how bad he had scared his lover. Again, none of this - the tears, the obvious signs of worry - none of it was intentional. In fact, Izuku had only come to the roof in hopes of some sort of comfort, some sort of comfort to distract him from slit wrists and dangerous thoughts.

"Comfort, mainly, but I was also looking for a distraction," the greenette pulled his hand away from Kirishima's and gripped at his wrists, wincing at the sudden pain, "I'm sorry for scaring you..."

The redhead noticed the flowing blood, along with the crimson blade. His ruby eyes grew wide with surprise, and the tears flowed faster. He didn't even notice the new cuts, hadn't even noticed the trickling blood. What kind of boyfriend was he?

It didn't take long before the taller male grabbed the cold and wet blade, and threw it across the roof. The metal fell to the roof with a high-pitched ding, and the metallic finish glistened in the new-found moonlight. The feeling of guilt washed over Izuku as he stared at the thrown blade.

"I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry, Eijirou. Fuck, I'm sorry." The redhead hated hearing how broken his lover sounded. He hated hearing how destroyed his voice filled the air, the cracks and breakage proving just how much pain the greenette was in.

Eijirou pulled Izuku into another hug, placing a gentle hand on the back of soaking wet, curly green hair. The freckled boy gripped the back of his boyfriend's shirt, and sobbed into the damp cloth. He was growing tired, nearing the stage of passing out, from all of the crying he had been doing for the past few hours.

This moment seemed like a fever dream, one that both males wanted to burn and get rid of. Eijirou removed his hand from the back of Izuku's head, and wrapped both arms around the smaller's cold body. They swayed slightly, and the taller never once made Izuku stop crying. This was the greenette's moment, a painful nightmare that he was begging to escape. He needed time to cry, he needed time to be left alone while being held by his lover. That's all he needed at this moment, along with affirmation.

And that's where Eijirou stepped in. Through tough and aggravatingly painful times like these, he made sure Izuku knew just how strong he was for dealing with the bad thoughts. Eijirou made sure Izuku understood just how incredible he truly was, and just how much the redhead meant every word he said. The greenette often doubted himself and tore himself apart for things he couldn't control, but Eijirou made sure he paused and didn't beat hinself up.

"Izuku, Izuku listen to me please," the crying calmed down, but still continued, "don't you dare apologize for hurting. You're in pain right now, and you feel like you have no one to turn to. I know you, and I know how your mind works. Well, some of how your mind works. You are so incredible, amazing, and perfect in more ways than I know how to express. You're hurting now, but I'm going to help you feel better, okay? I'm always going to be here for you. No matter what."

The greenette squeezed the redhead, and the tears began flowing faster, "Thank you, Ei. Thank you."

"Of course, bunny."


1328 words

Hi! I'm back, weirdly. I'm so sorry for being gone for so long... 2021 was a mess on multiple levels, but I'm back! Hopefully I'll post more, but who knows. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this angsty one-shot to the best of your ability. I love you all! 💖

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