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Kageyama is supposed to be getting married to hinata today but in all honesty he doesn't think he can go through with it because of two reasons. One hinata had cheated on him with kenma and kuroo and two he was in love with bokuto.

Kageyamas pov

"I can't do this" I thought as I was in the restroom hiding in the furthest stall. Sadly someone walked in which was bokuto opening each stall looking for me. As bokuto opened the stall I was in he sighed and slid down next to me on the floor. "Everyones panicking and the whole ex karasuno team is looking for you" bokuto said as I layed my head on his shoulder. "I can't go through with this" I said facing bokuto with teary eyes. "I thought you loved hinata isn't this your dream i mean come on your marrying the guy of your dreams" bokuto told me as he tried to sound happy you could still hear a hint of sadness in his voice. "That's the thing I'm not he cheated on me with kuroo and kenma and I act like nothing happened because it doesn't hurt and that's probably because I don't love him at all" I said with tears streaming down my face as bokuto hugged me.

"Then don't go through with the wedding" bokuto said with a voice full of hope. "Isn't akaashi waiting for you or something I don't wanna keep you here while your date is out there" I said as bokuto snorted. "Me and akaashi are just friends he's dating osamu and suna" bokuto said. "So what if I told you that I was in love with you and I packed everything for us to run away together I even have a driver waiting for us" bokuto said sounding serious. "I would say that I am also in love with you and would gladly run away with you" I said as bokuto ended up kissing me and I kissed him back. The kiss lasted for a few seconds when bokuto broke it and dragged me up.

Bokuto and I ran out of the restroom into the church. "Kageyama you did decide to show up" yachi said making everyone look at us. "Kags are you finally ready to get married" hinata asked me with a smile. "Hinata I'm sorry" I said as bokuto grabbed my hand and we ran outside only to have hinata and the ex karasuno team chase us since it looked like bokuto dragged me out. Once we got down the stairs there was a car waiting for us so we quickly jumped in. Bokuto and I laughed as they got father away and I turned to see that the driver was Matsukawa and Matsun.

"Holy shit we did that" I said happily as I laughed freely. "Awesome exit and the fact that everyone was chasing you guys just makes it cooler" Matsukawa said and matsun nodded as an agreement. "So we booked you tickets for California so you guys could get far away from everyone and don't worry we will keep our mouths closed" matsun said as he handed us the tickets. "So what we're you guys planning to do if I didn't agree to this" I asked genuinely curious. "We would have kidnapped you" bokuto said jokingly. "In all seriousness I would have most likely made you go and marry hinata and ask you to pretend that I never confessed to you" bokuto said. "Well good thing I'm madly in love with you bokuto" I said kissing his cheek. "Aww young love" matsun said. "It's so precious to be young and in love" Matsukawa said pretending to wipe a fake tear from his face.

Skip to them boarding the plane

"Don't forget to text and call us after all we helped you guys escape" matsun said as he and Matsukawa hugged us. "We won't don't worry we owe you guys also we need to head out now" bokuto said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and walked us to the plane. We all waved each other good bye and of course I got some stares from people since I was in a wedding dress. I obviously changed before we boarded and on our way to California there were kids asking us questions. "So you ran away from your wedding to be with your true love" a random kid asked as I nodded and there parents were also listening in and interested in the story. "I think it's sweet and I hope that man regrets his actions but you taking him away and risking your friendships for true love is adorable" a mother told us. The plane ride was mostly of people around us commenting positive thing oh and we are in first class.

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