Chapter 1: Downloading

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"Please, please, please let me download him, I really want to" you pleaded to your mom and dad at the dinner table.

You wanted to download the vocaloid Kaito Shion on to your computer, but your parents kept saying no because they thought he would mess up your computer or something.

"No" said your mom, "what if something happens to your computer, we won't buy you a new one, too much money."

"Please guys, there is so much I can do with Kaito, I can make him sing, write new songs for him to sing, and post them online. And if my computer does break, I promise I will fix without your help" you begged, you really wanted this.

Your father sighed, "maybe we should let her do this, I mean she'll keep bugging us untill we let her" your father said to your mom.

Your mom looked at you and spoke.

"Alright (y/n), we'll let you download your anime person on to your computer."

You squealed like a crazy fan girl, and ate your dinner super fast.

~Time skip until your in your pajamas~

You ran to your room after taking a shower, today would be the day you download Kaito on to your computer. You went online to the website to download him, but you noticed you had to pay money. You sighed in disappointment, you didn't think you had to pay the money. That's when a add popped up. You read the add, which made you super happy. The add said that you could download a free vocaloid of your choice for free.

You clicked the add, and a list of vocaloids came up. You clicked Kaito's name and his name disappeared from the list, weird. The loading bar came up, but it was taking a really long time to download. So you decided to go to bed, and check out Kaito in the morning.

You layed down in bed, and closed you eyes falling into a deep sleep. The thing is, when you fell asleep, you didn't notice that your computer started to spark.

He Came From The Computer (Kaito Shion x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now