-Goodbye Cali: Chapter 1

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Mordecai's POV

I fucking hate Rigby.

He promised to take me on this fun trip, just across the country. We would've spent a few nights in Idaho, or Utah, or something boring like that. We'd maybe see a few inbreed potato-pickers, buy some pop-tarts and live in run down motels for a week.

Instead, we are now on the other side of the country, in Florida. He's humming along to his shitty EDM music, I'm staring out the window into crocodile infested waters. He still hasn't told me where we're off to. In-fact, the only attempt at communication he's made this whole trip was a hm.

It's been almost two days of straight driving. We've stopped at a few motels, but done none of the fun destructive stuff. Just the Rigby getting high on candy alone stuff. I've barely gotten any sleep, and my body is ever so close to shutting down. Just as my eyelids flicker, I see a sign.

"Canterlot, Florida, USA."

"What the fuck is this Rigby" I scream, filled with sleepy rage

"It's Canterlot! I know a few people. Thought I'd say a quick hi and we'd be on our way" he says calmly

"A QUICK HI?! Idaho is like, 40 hours away!"

"I'm doing the nice thing Mordecai"


"Left it at home."

I crossed my arms and sighed, knowing that there was no going back. I watch as the car glides across smooth roads into a huge city. Cantalot. Strange name. I'm just questioning what friends he's got in Florida that he's desperate to say hi to.

As we get further into the city, I start to notice something. All these people. Are...colourful. I'm not a racist. I'm just used to people being animals, or objects. Not humanoid skittles. Some of them are green, or orange, or purple. I have no clue what Rigby has here, but it seems suspicious. Are they his drug dealers? Does he have a cult? Is this his cult city where he has tons of clones?

"What is this place..." I say

"It's Canterlot! It's cool. Some cool things. Cool people. Cool places. We just need to go to the college and find Flash. I met him online. We've spoke a lot."


Here we are. Mordecai and Rigby. Some good old, classic Mordecai and Rigby adventures. Walking into a random College to find this random kid, Flash Sentry. Rigby's online friend. Who cares if he's a 60 year old man! Flash Sentry motherfucker! Of to find him. Me and Rigby.

The halls were wide and vast, with lots of little skittle humans walking around on two legs like a bunch of normies. They weren't even cool looking like me and Rigby. Hell, Benson looks cooler than these idiots.

Rigby sprinted towards this yellow human with blue hair


"Yo! If it isn't Rigby!" Flash shouted, hi-fiving Rigby.

Immediately, everyone in a 10m radius began staring at us. I guess in this situation we're considered the weirdos, and not these freaky pony people.

"Heh, it's not often we get visitors in Cantalot..." Spoke Flash, his hand rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh it's fine, I don't mind the attention!" Rigby replied confidently, hands on hips.

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