she gets jealous and you argue about it (requested)

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"Are you having a good time so far?" Kaylee asked from across the table, in the other booth, as she reached for your hand and gave it a squeeze.

You lifted your head, staring at her instead of the menu that had you bright-eyed over all the delicious choices of what you could eat today.

"Of course I am, Kaylee. You know anything we do together always fills me with happiness. I just love being with you."

She smiled at you before looking down at her menu. But she occasionally looked up at you so she could admire how beautiful you are. You always take her breath away. Every day, she swears that, somehow, you get even more beautiful and make her fall even more in love.

But you're so happy tonight, the happiest she's seen you in days. You've escaped the stresses that life has given you to finally enjoy a date night with Kaylee. It felt so nice and it's obviously the happiest you've been in a while.

"Hello," she heard a voice say from beside you.

When she looked, she saw the waitress standing there. She sent Kaylee a smile before she looked over at you. Kaylee felt a hint of jealousy right away, swearing that she saw the girl's eyes light up when she laid eyes on you. Her smile grew, her teeth sinking into her lips as she stared at you.

"Hello." The waitress smiled as she tapped your arm.

"Oh, hi. I'm not ready to order yet." You said and returned your focus back to the menu.

"That's okay. You take your time, pretty girl."

Kaylee didn't like that.

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress asked as she looked at Kaylee, clearly much less enthused about her than you.

"Not yet."

The waitress just nodded and looked back at you.

"Well, I'll be back in a minute. If you need me before I return, just yell. Okay?"

Kaylee's jealousy grew stronger when she watched the waitress brush her fingers along your hand and then bite her lip as you looked back up at her and nodded with a friendly smile.

Kaylee huffed when she watched the waitress walk away.

"What is it, Kaylee?" You asked, suddenly sensing that something wasn't right with your girl. That she was upset about something.

"Nothing." She sighed.

Because as much as she despised your waitress already, she didn't want to ruin your date night. She figured she could muddle through and if it got to be too much, she'd speak to a manager. You're taken, you're happy, surely the waitress would figure that out sooner or later.

But she quickly found out that wouldn't be so easy when she watched the waitress bring a dish of something you hadn't ordered but had eyed a few times, as well as a free drink she knew you hadn't ordered.

"What is this?" Kaylee asked.

"Just something for this pretty girl here." The waitress said as she put the stuff down in front of you.

"That pretty girl is taken."

The waitress just shrugged her shoulders and sent Kaylee a dirty look.

She brushed her hand along your arm and watched your eyes move as you thought very carefully about what you wanted.

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend! She's taken. Get that through your head!" Kaylee said angrily, having enough of this whole situation.

But when the waitress didn't listen, she grabbed the drink and, out of frustration, threw it on the waitress.

"Kaylee!" You yelled and handed the waitress some napkins, which only made her more upset.

The waitress side-eyed Kaylee, scoffing and rolling her eyes before storming away.

"What the hell was that?" You asked as you closed your menu. "That was so uncalled for."

"Are you kidding me, y/n?" Kaylee scoffed. "You didn't even see the way she looked at you. She was calling you all these names and caressing you, bringing you things that caught your eye. She was flirting with you, trying to get with you."

"That doesn't mean you throw a drink on her!" You said in frustration.

You watched Kaylee grab her things and stand up as if she was going to walk out of the restaurant, only for you to grab her wrist to stop her.

"Kaylee, don't. Don't let her ruin our date night. This is the first one we've shared in so long. Please."

She knew you were right. So despite how upset she was, she sat back down and hung her head.

"Kaylee, I didn't notice any of that. Because I wasn't focused on her. All I care about is all this delicious food I can't choose from and how happy I am to be here with you."

She lifted her head with a small smile as you squeezed her hand.

"I love you. Don't let her ruin our night. She's nothing to me. You're the one I'm with and the one I love and nothing can change that."

"I love you too. Sorry for throwing the drink on her." She sighed and you just chuckled.

"It's fine. No more of that though. Just focus on me."

She nodded and watched you get up and move to the booth she was on. She put her arm around you and kissed your forehead as you looked over the menu together, looking forward to enjoying a nice date night together.

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