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With the new information, that a cosmic artifact is what is being searched for by Ngcamboo. The enforcers of sirius now prepare a plan to halt the seizing of this artifact. The grandmasters are still skeptical of this information except Loobo, who saw it himself. Broot, believes that the rebel leader is desperate for anything that will improve morale of his ranks and this artifact is old and possibly only decorative. Broot, orders a small squad to handle this situation. Julianus, believes that The artifact can be used as a tool to boost morale but more importantly he is aware of cosmic buffs and amplifiers because he is gifted this by the Goddess of War. He also thinks that it is blasphemous to think that the goddess mother will allow humans to be able to hold her weapons of power. Hawkan, had forgotten what cosmic powers were and what they were capable of. To him, it is just mystic mumble jumble and mental trick not based in reality. He also believes that only the goddess mother can use this phenomenon. Samza is also conflicted for she is most familiar to the use of cosmic energy but deems it too powerful for the hands of regular humans. To her, it is destructive and usually without a contract to balance the power it will bring a forced toll to pay. Lana, is the only Cosmic battle wizardress, she is concerned about the how the balance has shifted, She understands that it is the very spear that helped bring order to this world; when it was in chaos during the reing of Sirius.

"I want to say that we should not waste time figuring out if the artifact is real or not because the Goddess mother did leave one weapon and I was tasked to hide it from us and the humans. It is the "Spear of Olyar", It was to be hidden and only found by our newest leader, they will bring a positive change to our clan, as predicted by the goddess mother, a premonition that is being fulfilled now. So, which ever one of us reclaims the Spear they are the leader, Olyar's champion of order, the new enforcer of Sirius. I warn you all brothers and sisters, an immortal must give up their immortality and a champion must be chosen and approved by the goddess mother, then and only then, will the spear be at full power and be able to bless the warrior with her gift of the goddess mother's powers for the small frame of time to choose the new direction for the clan. We must hurry, If Ngcamboo, does have it, then he has not used it yet, which means we still have time because once he uses it one of us will be out of the fight. It runs on life, an immortal life. Since we do not want him and he does not know that one of us will be forced to pay the price." Grandmasters Lana says with a grim tone.

"So, we must get to Ngcamboo before one of us is out of commission? how so? he uses this spear and one of us dies? Thats seems extremely limited for a weapon. almost useless for only five uses, what exactly does it do? Why is this kept from us? why did the goddess mother leave such a powerful weapon unguarded? This is stupid for us to go on a full assault, it could be a trap. He has all the bait, a weapon of "legend"? I believe only the goddess mother could be able to use this weapon or artifact, whatever it is. What if it is just a bluff and we fall into a trap? These ruins are huge and well built to be eternal prisons if you remember when they were being built by Sirius himself." Hawkan expresses his concern.

"We must take this risk, we have no choice because whether it is true or not, his forces will be invigorated and fight harder and might do more ballsy tactics. I vote that we do the full assault before they come and hit us with whatever this random element has entered the equation." Grandmaster Broot advices the group.

"That makes three for the assault, Lana, Broot, and Loobo. What about you Julianus? where do you stand?" Samza quietly ask Julianus as she looks onto him with scanning eyes, Julianus is serious as he thinks it through looking at everyone. Then he decides to pull up his fist slowly to his chest and says,

"The Goddess of War is absolute, I will never abandon our Goddess mother and it has been so long since the use of the cosmic energy that I forget its wonders and destruction. I believe that the spear is hers and she was hoping for us to have found it, many centuries before this time and this is her way of saying that we took too long. Remember that the Goddess mother's lessons were very harsh if not learned in time. Maybe this is punishment for our distraction to the mission. Causing wars left and right and we forget to bring and keep order. I believe the price will be heavy. For in war if you make a mistake you pay with your life, this is no different, one of us, many of us, or all of us will die." Julianus ends it by kneeling down on one knee facing the Statue of Olyar in Battle stance, then he puts his head down.

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