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SUNNY woke up right beside AUBREY, that peacefully slept.
For some reason, they weren't going to have class today, so KIM invited them to play d&d.

SUNNY got out of bed leaving AUBREY sleeping, switched his eyepatch, and started making breakfast.
He made breakfast for AUBREY, BASIL, and KEL, but he himself just ate some crackers and drank some coffee.

AUBREY: *yawn* you know coffee affects your growth right?

AUBREY was out of bed, barely dressed, with only her shirt and panties on, making SUNNY blush, and cover his face.

SUNNY: A-AUBREY, y-your clothes.

Thanks for reminding me.

She quickly wore her clothes, except for her jacket.

SUNNY: aren't you going to wear your jacket?

AUBREY: nah, I'm not feeling like it.

KEL: ugh, you two were so loud last night.

SUNNY and AUBREY blushed.

SUNNY: S-sorry.

KEL: nah, it's okay, i have plans to move to CRIS's place later.

AUBREY: that's allowed?

KEL: well, you have been living here for weeks!
So i guess it is.

SUNNY: huh.

AUBREY: wait, but i had to move because of the maintenance on my corridor.

KEL: AUBREY, your corridor has been fixed for 2 weeks.

AUBREY: oh crap!

KEL: really.

AUBREY: I'm still going to live here.

SUNNY: aren't you two going to eat breakfast?
KIM is coming soon.

They ate breakfast, and just in time for KIM to come to the dormitory with her stuff.

KIM: alright, I'm here!
Everyone ready?

SUNNY: I'm ready.

AUBREY: if my sunshine's ready, them I'm ready!

KEL: ready!

BASIL: Ready for what?
Oh, the d&d session was today.
Let me just eat breakfast a-

KIM: Too late!
You're sitting down and starving, or you bail out!

CRIS: don't you think that's too much KIM?

KIM: this is the first time in years that i got to play d&d with a lot of people!
There's no time to waste!

AUBREY: at the time you two are arguing, BASIL is eating breakfast.

BASIL: Done!

SUNNY: did you taste the food?

BASIL: does that really matter?

SUNNY: a little bit, yes.

BASIL: it was good.

KIM: Food doesn't matter now!
Take those papers.
Those are your character sheets.
Fill them with whatever the hell you want to represent you.

(Some time later...)

KIM: are you guys done yet?

SUNNY: done.


CRIS: I'll use my old character, but reseted!

pink sunrise: a sunburn fanfic (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now