Chapter 1

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It was just another Sunday morning for Twilight. Princess Twilight that is. She was eagerly getting her saddlebag packed with her things as Spike opened her bedroom door.

"Morning Twilight! What should I make us for breakfast? Pancakes? Oatmeal? Gem scones? Omelettes? Toast?"

"Those all sound delicious! But I won't be here for breakfast. It's Sunday, remember?"

"Oh yeah! I don't know how I keep forgetting. What are you helping Pinkie bake today?"

"Not sure yet. She usually has a ton of new recipes that we try out to see which ones come out the best. But I also like to offer up my own recipes too!"

"Since when do YOU bake Twilight?"

Twilight giggled.

"I usually don't. But with Pinkie's help, I've learned a lot of new recipes and techniques! Baking really interests me now! Especially with all the science involved!"

Twilight looked at the time and gasped.

"Oh look at the time! I can't be late if me and Pinkie are gonna bake all the treats for this week before sundown. Bye Spike!"

"See ya later Twilight! Have fun!'

Twilight ran out the castle door, closed it with her magic, and flew on over to Sugarcube Corner. She always got super excited for her Sunday baking with Pinkie Pie. She loved helping out a friend in need more than anything, but she also really enjoyed herself. Baking with Pinkie was always full of laughing, chatting, taste testing, and fun. Twilight could tell Pinkie really enjoyed their time together too. The two of them had seemed to have formed a special bond. One that was similar, but not the same as what Twilight had with her other friends. All five ponies were very important to her, but it was easy to say she clicked the best with Pinkie. But she didn't exactly understand why. I mean, after all, they were pretty different from each other. But what exactly made their bond so special?

Twilight flew back to the ground and set her hooves back on the grass. She then used her horn to open the door, and walked right into Sugarcube Corner.

"Hi, Pinkie!"

"Hi, Twilight! Did you remember to bring your chef hat this time?"

"I sure did!"


Pinkie grabbed the chef hat with her hooves and threw it into the trash.

"What'd you do that for? Didn't you want me to bring that so I could, you know, wear it?" Twilight said, sounding confused.

"Yeah! But now you don't need it anymore because I got you this silly! Surprise!" Pinkie said as she gave Twilight a hot pink gift box with a light pink bow, and a note reading "To Twilight" and "From Pinkie" with a hoof drawn heart next to it. 

Twilight read the note and immediately smiled at Pinkie's messy but adorable hoofwriting. When She opened the box, it was a brand new chef hat to her surprise. It was a pale yellow with pink thread stitched into letters to spell "The Twipie Baking Duo!" on the front. The back had detailed stitching of Twilight and Pinkies silhouettes holding pies. Twilight blushed. It was one of the sweetest gifts she had ever received.

"Do ya like it? I had Rarity help me make it! She helped make mine too! You know what this means? TWIPIE TWINSIES!" Said Pinkie as she set off her party cannon into the air.

Twilight couldn't stop smiling as she stared down at the adorable hat.

"Pinkie I- Wow! This was so thoughtful of you. I love it. Thank you so much!"

"Sure thing Twi! Now...Let's get down to business!" Pinkie said as she placed the hat on Twilight's head and ran over to her mixing bowl.

Twilight blushed again. She loved when ponies
called her Twi. But something about when Pinkie said it made her feel special in some way. But she couldn't put her hoof on it. She grabbed her scroll with the new recipe she'd found out of her saddlebag and brought it to Pinkie. Then began the baking. The baking that would take them hours. But it was never boring when they had each other. They could always find something new to talk about.

Hours later Twilight had finally returned to her castle. When she walked into her room she took off the chef hat and stared at it for a few seconds before placing it down on her vanity. After placing it down she stared at it again. She couldn't help it. The fact that Pinkie went to all that trouble for her just made her heart melt. Pinkie was one of the sweetest ponies in all of Equestria. And She was lucky enough to know her. She couldn't get Pinkie out of her head. That is until her thoughts were interrupted.

"Hello? Earth to Twilight?" A familiar voice called out.

Twilight looked over to see Starlight standing in her doorway.

"Starlight hi! How long have you been there exactly?"

"Uh, at least a minute by now. You didn't answer at all when i knocked and I saw you just got home so I wanted to see how your baking session with Pinkie went."

Twilight giggled.

"Oh, it was great! We got all the treats done in time and got to taste-test plenty of new recipes. It was really fun!"

Starlight glanced at the vanity and noticed the new item Twilight was staring at.

"Awesome! Where'd you get the new hat?"

"Pinkie made it for me. Isn't that so sweet?" Twilight said, blushing as she thought of Pinkie once again.

Starlight stared before replying, sensing what Twilight could possibly be thinking.

"Twilight, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?" Twilight said as she stared in the mirror up at her hat as she twirled it in a circle using her horn.

"Do you have a crush on Pinkie?"

Twilight dropped her hat, speechless at the question.

Why is it so hard to say I Love You?: A Twipie Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now