Chapter 18

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The next morning, Pinkie was awakened by the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. When she noticed Twilight wasn't there, she knew it was none other than her girlfriend up to something.

Moments later, Twilight walked in the room, rolling a tray of breakfast. She had made chocolate chip pancakes.

"Good Morning, cutie. I hope these are up to your baker's standards." Twilight said with a faint smile, as she levitated the tray onto the bed in front of Pinkie. She looked tired and pretty drained, but Pinkie wanted to be positive. This was so sweet of her.

"Oh wow!! How did you know I was in the mood for chocolate chip pancakes??" Pinkie said, as she quickly ate a forkful. She tasted the chocolate, which was milk. She smiled at that, knowing dark is Twilight's preference, but she'd made them the way she knew Pinkie would prefer.

Twilight giggled. "A good guess on my part I'm guessing. Are they decent?"

"They're amazing!! I can see you used my recipe!!"

"Yup!! I'm glad they turned out ok."

"Isn't it Spike or Starlight's turn to cook breakfast today?"

"Yeah, but I was up pretty early anyway and wanted to do something nice for you. Plus they both got to sleep in so it worked out."

"That's so sweet of you, Twi. Thank you!!"

"Of course, babe."

They sat in a sweet silence as Pinkie ate her pancakes and Twilight sipped her tea. Pinkie noticed Twilight didn't have her own pancakes, and was curious why.

"Where's your pancakes?"

"Oh, I'm not really in the mood to eat right now."

Twilight immediately regretted her words. Now Pinkie was gonna start questioning her. She didn't wanna concern her at all with this. She felt her mind start to race as Pinkie replied.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Twilight got defensive again. "No, it's alright. I'm just a little stressed. I have a lot of paperwork to deal with today."

Although this wasn't necessarily untrue, she still felt terrible not saying what was really going on.

"Oh, alright. I'm sorry. Is there any way I can help you out?"

"I'll be ok. Let's just think about something else for now."

They moved onto other topics, discussing parties Pinkie had on her schedule in the next week, and what books Twilight planned to finish soon. The conversation then shifted to their next date plans. Twilight thought maybe they could go to a painting class on Wednesday, since they were both free. They agreed it was a good idea, and were excited for Wednesday to come. But the room soon fell silent again. Pinkie didn't wanna bring it up again, but she could feel the tension coming from Twilight. Twilight was afraid of Pinkie asking her again. Pinkie was afraid of asking again and upsetting Twilight in return. How were they to fix a problem that there was no answer that felt right to both of them? Pinkie decided to finally break the silence. But she went the safe route.

"Alright, maybe I should head home. I have a shift at Sugarcube Corner in a bit and I don't wanna keep Mrs. Cake waiting. Maybe I can offer her some extra help before I start."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you soon, my love."

Twilight gave Pinkie a quick kiss, which Pinkie happily accepted.

"See ya!! I love you, gorgeous."

"I love you too."

Pinkie smiled back at Twilight's words, before walking out of the bedroom and into the hallway. As soon as Pinkie's back turned, Twilight's faint smile vanished. She felt so...bad. That was the only way she could think of describing it. Pinkie once again tried to reach out to her and she'd declined. She couldn't decide in her mind whether this was good or bad. On one hoof, not telling her was worrying Pinkie, which made her feel awful. But on another, her not knowing what was happening was making all of this a non problem for her. She didn't ever wanna feel like she was putting her problems onto Pinkie. She didn't wanna become a burden. She just wanted to feel loved. She never got that from her parents after all, not true love anyway. Their definition of love was very different than most. It was completely and utterly conditional. She only had their "love" and "respect" if she did exactly what they wanted her to do to please them.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Spike's voice as he ran into Twilight's room, carrying a scroll.

"Twilight, I have some bad news..."

It was from her parents.

Why is it so hard to say I Love You?: A Twipie Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now