Chapter 10

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Twilight anxiously waited in the foyer for Pinkie to show up. She was very excited to see the hyper pony, but she still felt so nervous around her. She jumped as she heard the sound of the door opening and quickly tried to look as put together as possible.

"Hi, Pinkie! You excited for today?"

Pinkie bounced her saddlebag off her back and into the air before catching it with her mouth and setting it on the ground. "You know it! And I've got a few ideas for tonight's dinner too!"

Twilight smiled. "Great! Let's head to the kitchen. That way we'll have more than enough time to cook all the food and decorate the dining hall."

"Sounds good!" The pink pony said as she hopped after Twilight to the nearby kitchen.

For the next hour and a half, the two were laughing and giggling harder than ever before as they cooked together. They made a little bit of a mess with the flour, which normally would've stressed Twilight out. But Pinkie was able to calm her down very easily.

"Hey, look!" Said Pinkie, as she saw Twilight look as if she was about to begin to get very overwhelmed. "All it takes is a rag and some soap and water." Pinkie then wiped some of the flour away with the rag in her hoof. "See? Comes off in the blink of an eye!"

Twilight took a deep breath. "How did you know the mess was bothering me?"

"I can usually tell when you seem overwhelmed or stressed. And it's great too! Because then I get to help out my favorite pony princess!"

Twilight giggled. She was shocked every day at how much more and more they were learning about each other. "I can't believe you care enough to do that."

Twilight began to think back to her days in magic school as a filly. Even when she got older, she was almost always alone. Even with her little group of friends, none of them really understood her that well. And between that and Twilight's difficulty with her social skills, She remained in the quietest corner of the classroom doing things by herself. Although she became an amazing magic student, she still lacked what most would call a "normal" childhood experience. Having so many friends now was showing her a whole lot each and every day, but hearing that Pinkie cared for her so deeply couldn't help but make her blush, which Pinkie took notice to. Before things got awkward, she changed the subject.

"Sooo, any new spells lately?"

Twilight laughed. "Pinkie, you know there's always some new spell I'm working on."

"I thought so! What kinds?"

The two finished cooking as Twilight told Pinkie about all the new spells she'd learned this past week. When they were finished they decorated the dining hall, and before they knew it their friends were there.

"Howdy, y'all!" Applejack said as she walked in, subtlely holding hooves with Rainbow. "How are you two doing?"

"Pretty good!" Twilight answered. "Just finished decorating the dining hall."

"What's that?" Pinkie said, pointing at the box balanced on Rainbow's head.

"Apple pie. Applejack insisted we bring something. But I'm still mad we didn't bring any cider!" Rainbow said, looking to Applejack.

"Oh Rainbow, you didn't know I was messing with you by now? It's in my saddlebag." Applejack said, smirking.

Rainbow peeked in the saddlebag, shocked she was so easily fooled. "You liar! I don't know how you got that past me!"

The four ponies giggled before hearing the sound of Rarity's voice approaching.

"We're here!"

"We brought some fresh flowers for the table!" Fluttershy said softly. as she quickly let go of the grip on Rarity's hoof before Twilight saw.

Why is it so hard to say I Love You?: A Twipie Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now