Chapter 9

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Y/n: Maybe because I wanted him here, he makes me happy you said sticking your middle finger up at him

Mom: Ughhh kids these days are CHILEEEEE she said to herself

Vallyk: Leave he said looking at Derek

Derek: Why you heard what she said I make her h.a.p.p.y he said smirking

Vallyk: Ok and? he said shrugging his shoulders

Y/n: Vallyk go suck a dick could ya you said rolling your eyes while taking Derek to your room

Mom: LANGUAGE! she said yelling

You got to your room, you shut the door and locked it

Derek: Your mom seems chill he said sitting on the bed

Y/n: Ha, chile she's only doing that because your here watch later I'm going to be crying to myself just watch you said laughing a bit

Derek: No cause it's the weekend no school tmr I'm staying he said smiling

Y/n: Yay! you said in excitement

Derek: Let's go to my house real quick he said getting up

Y/n: Ight You said slapping his butt

Derek: Ayo chill he said looking back at you laughing

Yall go downstairs

Mom: Where yall going??

Y/n: Somewhere I'll be back you said smiling while walking out the house

Derek: Bye he said smiling at your mom while walking out the house

Yall left

Mom's POV)

He seems like a cute nice little kid, Vallyk must be a little jealous but whatever they about to graduate anyways let her fuck up she'll understand

Derek's POV)

I hope my mom is not home but if she is it doesn't matter but I really hope she's not there

Y/n: We here you said parking the car and looking at him

Derek: Come in he said getting out the car

Y/n: Ok you said getting out the car 

Yall walked up to the door Derek opened it but gratefully his mom wasn't here 

Derek: I'm finna get some clothes come on he said dragging you upstairs to his room

Y/n: Cool room? you said looking around

Derek: I know kinda gothic but ba-

Y/n: I like it, it fits you you said smiling at him

Derek: Thanks he said going in his closet which was kinda big asf!!!

Y/n: You gotta big ass closet damn! you said looking at it while sitting on his bed which was soooo comfortable 

Derek: Yea he said laughing a bit 

Derek: Well I'm finish, we can go now he said getting his duffle bag with his clothes and shoes in it

Y/n: Ight you said getting up 

Yall walked downstairs and went out the door and went to your car and drove off yall went back to your house 

Yall arrived

Yall get out the car and went in the house

Y/n: Mom Derek's staying ok, thank you bye! you said while walking upstairs with Derek 

Mom: Ok? she said rolling her eyes

Derek: She seems ok wit it he said sitting his bag down on your bed

Y/n: Just one second you said smirking

Your mom comes running upstairs and busts in your room

Mom: Oh hell no! she said yelling at you

Y/n: See you said looking at Derek

Y/n: Mom you let Vallyk do everything you let that fucking slut of his stay wit him all the time! EVER SINCE DAD DIED YOU'VE BEEN A FUCKING BITCH! you said yelling at her before slamming the door on her face and locking it

You ran to your bathroom and locked the door and started crying

Derek: Mauria?! he said calling your name from the other side of the door

Y/n: L-LEAVE ME A-ALONE! you said crying very loudly

Derek: Bu-

Y/n: DEREK P-P-PLEASE you said crying very loudly

Derek just slid down against the door listening to you crying which made him feel really bad because it reminded him what he does every night in bed or in the shower

Derek's POV)

FUCK!!! I hate seeing her like this, I swear broo, but wait I could take her out......nah she won't like that I'll just let her let everything out ig.................nope I have to DO IT!!!

Derek: Mauria he said calmly 

Y/n: W-W-What? you said sniffling 

Derek: I know you are very sad right now but you could be happy ya know...........well inside your happy ig? he said calmly

Y/n: D-Derek you sound stupid but I-I like i-i-it you said trying to laugh while sniffling

Derek: Well what I was trying to say was.........if you wanted to go out or something? he said nervously

Y/n: So a date? you said wiping your face

Derek: You could say that but it was like a hang out type thing he said chuckling at bit

Y/n: Oh you said giggling a bit

Derek: Yea, so you wanna come he said nervously

Y/n: Yea you said smiling behind the door

Derek: Ok well come on get out of there he said laughing a bit


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