Chapter Seven

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"This is not how I imagined training to be," I grumbled into my arms, which were crossed on my desk.

"We've gone over this, Raya. We have to start with the basics. That means actually learning about monsters so we can know how to best kill them," Hadley explained patiently for about the fifth time.

After my uncle and Zayd left, Lance wasted no time in beginning Unit 1 in Folklore and Mythology. It was at about 8 minutes in when we all realized training would not be what we had imagined. 50 minutes later, and I was nearly dying of boredom.

"Would you stop your yammering over there? Your incessant complaining is making it difficult to take notes," Noah whispered with annoyance as he held up his notebook for us to see.

Hadley and I quieted. Until we saw what was sketched underneath the word "Notes". Noah had drawn a surprisingly good caricature of Lance dressed as the typical history teacher, sweater vest and everything. We could hardly contain our laughter, and Noah cracked a smile that was laced with something suspiciously like pride.

Apparently, Hadley and I were less inconspicuous than we thought because Lance stopped talking and frowned at us.

"I'm sorry, is there something funny about how huldra could be walking among us during the day and then return home to kidnapped teenagers forced to be slaves, lovers, or food at night? Because I'm usually the first to find the humor in things, so maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how this is a laughing matter."

Taken aback by Lance's uncharacteristic somberness, I stayed quiet and Hadley hung her head in shame. Noah sobered immediately.

"No, sir, there isn't anything funny. We're sorry."

"Since you know so much about Scandi folklore that you don't find it necessary to listen to my lesson, you wouldn't mind going up against, say, a vargr, would you?"

Noah shifted uneasily, "I mean, if I had to, I guess not but-"

"Great. Then let's go."

Lance packed his things and started for the door. The rest of us looked at each other in confusion.

"Now!" Lance barked at us.

We all swiftly got up and followed him out in silence. We remained silent as Lance led us through passages I'd never seen before. I shared a nervous glance with Hadley once we stopped at an eerie black door.

Lance stepped back and gestured to the door, "Well go on then."

No one moved, so I stepped forward and opened the door. I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked through the door frame.

I was in a gigantic arena, about the size of a soccer field. How had I never noticed this before? The dirt floor was even and smooth. The plain wooden seats that surrounded us were interrupted by the occasional barred up cell. Up to the left, above the wooden seats, was a small platform where five elaborate chairs stood tall and powerful.

I was so busy taking it all in that I didn't even notice when the rest of the group entered the arena.

"Woah. This is amazing," Hadley breathed out.

Lance grunted and began walking towards one of the metal cells. The rest of the group followed him absentmindedly, heads still swiveling around in wonderment.

It was only once we neared the cell that I noticed the soft, deep breathing. We all seemed to hear it at the same moment, and we stopped walking. Lance raised his eyebrows at us and nodded us forward. We simultaneously peeked through the bars.

Hadley stuttered out a loud whisper, "That- that's a vargr!"

"What keen observational skills you have there, Miss Addams," Lance said dryly, and Hadley scowled slightly.

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