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Almost being midnight- I aggressively walked to my car, and got in- noticing Y/N was lagging behind. I looked out the windshield- and there he was- my stuffed up boyfriend. Waddling on the side walk- holding his belly- approached the car. As he got in he grunted,
" You barely ate at all- whats the matter?"
"The matter? Nothing?! Just the fact you ate for 3 hours straight! What happened to you??" I screamed at him
"I- I don't know...are you mad?" He asked
I sighed- "No- not mad...I just dont know what happened to you- you left slim- and buff- and Im not saying I like you better that way but- you got fat! So what happened??"
Y/N looked at me- and I looked back
"Yea...I know... but I got carried away... do you want me to start working out again?"
Before I wanted to tell him how I felt- he started groaning
"Whats going on- hey are you ok?" I asked panicking
"Ughh yea this part kinda sucks- just hold on-" Y/N said holding his gut. I stared at him- as he frantically started stripping his shirt off- he let out a loud sigh.
"Hey babe dont freak out ok? This happened last time..."
"W-What??" I stuttered
Suddenly there was a loud gurgle from Y/N stomach and I slowly watched as his belly began to expand.

Blowing up at the Buffet (Wg short story)Where stories live. Discover now