ten: "flying v"

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I stood with my arms crossed and sighed. Gathered around me were all my teammates, equally annoyed at our current situation. It was a few minutes before our game against Germany and Coach Bombay was a no-show. 

Somehow though, he had the audacity to question my professionalism. I was getting pretty sick of this guy.

"Hey team, we're gonna do great today!" The energetic voice of Don Tibbles turned my attention to where he had emerged from the crowd, up in the stands. His eyes scanned the group and suddenly a look of confusion flashed across his face. "Where's Gordan?"

"You tell us," I answered sarcastically and Tibbles shook his head.

"I don't believe this."

Just then, one of the refs skated up to our bench. "Team U.S.A. I'm sorry. Without a coach behind the bench, you'll forfeit the game."

"But you can't do that!" Adam cried from next to me. Then he leaned in and whispered, "Can he do that?"

I just shrugged and looked over to see Ms. Mckay walking towards us in the stands. That gave me an idea. I nudged Charlie and motioned to Ms. Mckay. He understood immediately.

"We have one!" He skated over to her and the two whispered back and forth for a moment. The ref skated closer to them and Charlie gulped. "Uh, here she is. Our coach, Coach Mckay."

I held my breath for a moment as Ms. Mckay was silent. Then, she stood up on the ledge in a swift movement and stuck her head over the glass. "What are you waitin' for, the ice to freeze? Let's play!"

The team cheered and Charlie came over and gave me a high-five. 

I sat next to Averman and Charlie as the game began. Germany was able to get the puck and take it to our net. Luckily Goldberg was able to save it, leaving the score where it stood. 

I looked up at Ms. Mckay who frowned. "We look tired. We need to, uh, trade places."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "Huh?"

"New players."

"Oh!" Charlie exclaimed from beside me. "Say change it up."

Ms. Mckay nodded and cleared her throat. "Change it up."

"Scream it!" I told her.

"Change it up!" 

The team heard her this time and skated in to switch. I stood up and threw myself over the wall, skating to center ice. Suddenly a duck call sounded throughout the arena. We all looked around, trying to see where it was coming from. My eyes landed on Coach, strolling into the stands.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Fulton scoffed.

"Just ignore him." Jesse shook his head. "Bexley, you take the face-off."

I nodded and we all separated, skating into our starting positions. But the duck calls continued. Coach was now in our team box and standing over everyone. After a moment I rolled my eyes and skated next to Averman and Fulton.

"What do we got to lose?" Averman asked.

"Respect. He'll dump us the minute it's over." Fulton answered as we stared at our Coach.

"Come on, bring it in! Come on!" He waved his arms at everyone on the ice and motioned for us.

I sighed. "Let's just get this over with." I thought back to the last time I had seen Coach and what he had said to me. He better have a damn good apology.

Once everyone had settled in front of him, Coach began. "Guys. I was wrong. And I'm sorry. I forgot about the team. And the team is all I have. All I want, is another chance. Just one more shot. I'm back. Okay? Believe me."

We all glanced around at each other and I looked down as I stomped the front of my skate into the ice. I didn't care for Coach Bombay one bit if I was being honest. But if the rest of the team took him back, I had no choice but to do the same. 

The consensus was to forgive him. I suppose we couldn't really fire our own Coach and I don't think Ms. Mckay liked that position very much anyway.

I skated out behind the net and next to Jesse. I waited for him to call a play. He looked around and sighed, clearly agitated. He, much like me, didn't seem too keen to forgive Coach so quickly.

"Come on Jesse!" Charlie called from across the rink.

After a couple more seconds, Goldberg turned to face the two of us. "Jesse, just do it, man!"

One more sigh and Jesse reluctantly raised his arms, yelling "Flying V!"

I skated behind and to the right of him as three more players joined. I was a little bit geeked out to be a part of this play. The Ducks had coined the Flying V back in peewees and it had since gained huge popularity along with the team.

Jesse cradled the puck and brought it towards the Germany net. It was passed around the V and kept away from defenders as the five of us made our way down the rink. Finally, Jesse was able to shoot it in, securing another win for Team USA.


"Bexley, can I talk to you for a minute?" I looked up from tying my sneaker to see Coach Bombay standing a few feet from me. The game had ended a little while ago and everyone was heading back to their rooms. 

"I guess." 

I glanced over at Julie and Connie who both awkwardly smiled. "We'll, uh, wait outside." The two girls left and Coach Bombay sat on the bench next to me. 

"How have you been lately?"

"Um, fine." 

"Good, good. You played a great game today." I don't know if he was expecting a thank you or something but I stayed silent. Coach continued. "I know you don't like me much Bexley and I get it. What I said to you was out of line. And I'm... well I'm..."

"Sorry?" I finished his sentence and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Sorry." He repeated. "You're an incredible talent and Team USA is lucky to have you. I'm sorry if I ever made you doubt that."

"Well... thanks." I finally looked up at Coach and gave him a small smile. He returned it.

"You better get headed out. Rest up for practice tomorrow."

I nodded and stood up, heading for the door. I pushed it open and let it shut behind me. I was happy Coach had apologized. It felt like a weight off my shoulders. 

I stepped outside and saw Connie and Julie waiting for me against the wall. They both joined me as we walked down the sidewalk and towards the hotel.

"So how'd it go?" Connie asked.

"Good. Ready to keep kicking ass with Team USA." 

"Me too." Julie agreed. "You know if I actually ever got to play."

"Okay yeah, what is up with that?" I shook my head and Connie did the same. "Goldberg is great and all but come on!"

Julie laughed. "I wish I knew."


another filler oops

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