The Ravine

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The Ravine has three separate segments- segment one, segment two, and segment three.

Segment one is the tamest. Most beasts populate there, most of which being friendly. This is where Mama Z and Hauna are from. Water flows upward to the second segment, and it's calm.

Segment two is where the more aggressive beasts are. The water is higher- and unlike the other two segments, it's hot and humid. The waters are more aggressive here- and higher. The beasts here are usually not friendly, and tend to hate colder temperatures.

Segment three is where BBR comes from (and where Grimm fell in)! The water is once again cool, but it's the highest segment, waterwise. It's almost unpopulated, being a handful of beasts- and it's so vast it could fit much more, but nobody has the heart to disturb the peace there.

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