Chapter 2

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As we rolled up in the SUV that we were picked up in, I looked out the window at the house we were about to walk into. It was medium sized but still impressive. Sasha and I hopped out of opposite sides of the Uber as I threw a ten dollar bill at the driver and quickly gave a thanks. I fixed my shorts by pulling them down a bit as they were already tiny on me. Sasha and I looked at each other before heading towards the front doors. Tons of cars surrounding the house and cups all over the lawn. Loud music could be heard from outside.

Sasha led me in, as she was the one invited, and I followed. The smell of marijuana and liquor filled the air. I wasn't expecting to get trashed and I don't smoke but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to. I followed her lead through the house as we passed by couples sloppily making out and people socializing. We approached a group of girls sitting on the couch near the kitchen of the house, all of them welcoming us with a smile. Sasha's friends.

"Hey baby," her drunk friend Kayla said drunkenly, getting up from her seat to hug me.

"Hey!" I said enthusiastically, hugging her back. The rest of the girls just met my eyes with a smile and I returned it. There was little room left on the couch so I sat on Sasha's lap. On the table in front of the group was various bottles of liquor, whiskey, tequila, vodka and multiple glass pieces to smoke out of. Some cups were also stacked on the table.

"Help yourselves!" Kayla called over to Sasha and I. I grabbed a cup and poured some tequila halfway before pouring some tequila mix in as well.

"That's pretty strong, damn girl," one of the girls slurred. I winked at her before taking the cup to my lips. We chilled with the group for some time, as I poured more and more drinks. I definitely wasn't pacing myself at all. The more alcohol that got into my body the more I opened up and the more I talked.

"I need to use the bathroom!" I whispered into Sasha's ear. She nodded and continued talking to whoever she was talking to. I could tell by the look on her face she was already hammered and not gonna even lie, I was getting there. I got up from her lap and made my way to the hallway, where I assumed I would find a bathroom. Drunk people were everywhere, bumping into me and apologizing, at least everyone was being friendly.

As I approached a door which I assumed was a bathroom, I went to open it and it was locked. I knocked and a raspy voice yelled out "almost done" and then I heard a girl giggle. I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the wall, patiently waiting for them to finish whatever they were doing, as If I didn't know what that was. What seemed like ten minutes passed and I banged on the door, "Go to a room, I need to pee assholes!" I yelled. About a minute later the door opened and a girl with short blonde hair scrambled out, a boy following her. We locked eyes and my heart stopped. Was I just drunk? Or was he really the most attractive person I have ever seen? He kept his gaze on me as well, not breaking eye contact. It felt like slow motion. I suddenly snapped myself out of it, It's the alcohol Liv. The alcohol. Before I knew it, the girl had disappeared down the hall and the boy stopped in his tracks. His face inches from mine, eyes still on me. He was standing in my way, so I slightly pushed past him and he grabbed my wrist.

"Who are you?" He rasped. I shook my head.

"Doesn't matter, okay? I've been needing to pee and you've been hogging this bathroom like your life depended on it. Scram," I snapped back. Just as I was about to close the door in his face, he put his hand on the door to stop it from closing.

"That's not the way to talk to the owner of the house you're in, now is it?" He said. My heart stopped for a second. Sasha is going to hate me when I get us kicked out for this.

"If this is your house, why didn't you take your business to your bedroom?" I said in the nicest tone possible, almost about to collapse from my need to pee.

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