Don't Mess With the Queen -Undertaker

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A/n: This is during the Minstry era

~Raw 1998~

You was Undertaker's fiancee before he turned into the Lord of Darkness, you was now married to him. You was his queen, his angel of darkness and death.

You had a match against Ivory, you had assured your betrothed that you'll be fine without backup. You walked down the ramp keeping an eye out for the Minstry and the Corporation.

You'll be alright from an attack by the McMahons.

Not when he was watching your every step.

The match was going good till you was rudely interupted by Shane McMahon.

You motioned for a mic after making sure Ivory was out of the ring for her safety. "Listen here you cockroach," you said as he walked down the ramp. "You get in this ring and I'm gonna kick you in the mouth."

"Yeah I would like to see you do that," Shane said continuing to walk down. "But I'm here to make a proposal for a match. A casket match."

You dropped the mic seeing him walking up the stairs. You ran foward with an explosive dropkick  knocking him off the apron holding his mouth.

The crowd cheered naturally, they always cheered.

Shane rubbed his brusied jaw and slid into the ring.  He went to hit you but the lights went out first. His fist never met your face.

You heard multiple people rushing to get in the ring. You didn't have to guess who it was. It was the Minstry.

The lights came back on reveiling Undertaker holding Shane's wrist.

Midieon pulled you away to the corner and out of harms way.

You leaned against the turnbuckle seeing your bethrothed chokeslam Shane to the mat. You smirked as you walked towards the downed McMahon, you crouched seeing him slowly gaining consciousness.

"Shane, Shane," you said shaking your head. "When will you learn? You don't mess with the Queen."

You dropped the mic on his head and walked off with the Minstry. Your husband put his arm around you.

The group slinked back into the darkness and waiting for another moment to strike.


"That is the last time your going anywhere by yourself," Taker said when you two was alone. You had done gotten a shower and changed out of your ring gear to a pair of black shorts and a black tank verison on one of his t-shirts.

"I was fine love," you assured him brushing your damp hair. 

"I'm still not taking any chances, when you have a match your going to have one of us with you."

You shook your head and smiled softly, you knew you wasn't gonna win that argument. "Fine." You reached up and kissed his cheek. "Your cute when your protective."

He wrapped his arms around you pulling into his chest. 

You stayed there, safe and secure.

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