Join Me - Undertaker

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A/n: so I haven't been writing in months so be warned this is probably not my best in being written well.

Thanks, also requests is still open.


You was the youngest of the McMahons. You didn't like being in the shadows of your big sister Stephanie or your brother Shane.

It was no secret you was incredibly skilled in the ring and on the mic, but compared to Shane and Stephanie?

Hardly anyone knew who you was. They was the favorites.

The Undertaker had been going after your family for weeks now. It was at first scary.

Dennis Knight had been kidnapped and turned into Mideon. Along with Bradshaw and Faarooq who turned into the Acolytes.

Your father had forbidden anyone from being alone after that as Taker formed his Minstry.

Then you started to become infatuated with the Prince of Darkness.

You was in the ring with the Corporation, following orders from your father. You hated every second of being with them.

Something was pulling you to defect.

The lights went out signifying Taker's entrance.

The Ministry's music silenced Vince as they surrounded the ring.

Taker appeared in the corner wearing his hooded cape.

The Corporation ran when they got into the ring, except you.

"Oh no, Y/n get out of there!" King yelled on commentary.

You turned to the Undertaker, staring him down. You didn't feel fear, even as the Ministry surrounded you both.

"She's not leaving, she's staring down the Undertaker," JR said shocked.

"Does she have a death wish?"

No words was spoke between you and Taker. Your body felt as if it was being pulled into the darkness.

As if you belonged.

Taker nodded slightly, letting you leave the ring.

Edge and Christian held the bottom rope open for you to safely exit.

Your heart was breaking as you forced yourself to walk back up the ramp. When you rejoined the Corporation to walk backstage, you looked back seeing him still staring at you.

It seemed that you two was the only ones in the room.

A hand on your shoulder made you come out of your trance. It was Boss Man.

"You alright?" He asked you.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

You followed the Corporation backstage, still wanting to run to Taker. You stayed silent on your feelings towards the Deadman, even when you and Stephane was escorted to the hotel for the rest of the night.

(2 weeks later)

"Boss Man and Shamrock will be out there with you," Vince said as you fixed your gloves for your match.

"I can handle myself Dad," you said harshly.

"Not after what happened 2 weeks ago, what's gotten into you? The past 2 weeks you've been angry at everyone including me."

"It's nothing."

"Nothing? That's it? He could have hurt you..."

"But he didn't," you cut him off quick. "Maybe if you give him want he wants he would leave you alone."

The darkness in your voice scared you. You hadn't talked like that before.

Vince decided to drop the subject when you stormed out to the ring. Boss Man and Shamrock following you.

Your match was against Ivory. The match was over in almost five minutes. You had her in your signature submission move, nothing too fancy.

Then trouble was on the horizon. The lights went out just as the bell was ranged.

The electric guitar theme of the Ministry echoed through the arena.

Boss Man and Shamrock got in the ring to hold off the Ministry.

They surrounded the ring, ganging up on the two men.

Shamrock and Boss Man almost held them off but the numbers was too much.

You went to leave the ring but Mideon stopped you.

"He wants to talk to you," Mideon said to you.

"Talk?" You asked.

Mideon nodded.

A heavy bell forced the lights to go out again. The place cooled rather quickly, goosebumps formed on your skin.

The music of the Undertaker's played in the arena as the purple and blue lights came on. Fog filled the arena.

You didnt know what had came over you. It was the same feeling you felt 2 weeks ago when you couldn't bring yourself to turn away.

Paul Bearer handed him a mic when he got in the ring.

"I came to speak to you, Angel of Darkness," he said. His voice was comforting in a way.

You stayed still as he approached you.

"2 weeks ago, while everyone in the Corporation ran from me, you stayed. Your family doesn't give a damn about you do they?"

You shook your head.

"They treat you as if your disposable waste. But I don't. I want you to join me Y/n. You are stronger then all of your family."

You was taken back by his words. Join him.

He offered you his hand. The hand of freedom.

Your fingers was mere inches from touching, the world was watching.

On the edge to see if you joined.

"Y/n stop!" Vince's words came over the loudspeakers.

It drawed you out of your trance.

Vince came down the ramp in a hurry. "Undertaker, I didn't come to fight," he said.

Undertaker was pissed that he was interupted.  His eyes was filled with rage.

"Y/n, please let's talk about this, let's go backstage and have a talk."

You motioned for a mic. "Dad shut the hell up!"

The crowd roared in approval.

"Oh my God, the blanent disrepect!" JR yelled on commentary.

"Come on Y/n that's your father," King added.

"You want to talk?" You said. "Fine, we'll talk. I realized something over the past 2 weeks. I'm never good enough for you. I will never be the favorite child. Hell if Shane and Stephanie is in the same room with me I'm in the background."

Vince shook his head as the rest of the Corporation stood on the stage. "You are still my child Y/n, I'm still your father. I gave you everything you ever needed..."

"You didn't give me shit, I earned my way here unlike Stephanie the Queen Slut!"

The crowd started doing the 'slut' chants towards your sister.

You continued your degrading of your family. "And another thing, Dad. I am no longer a McMahon, I am a Queen. A queen of darkness."

You dropped the mic and offered your hand to Taker. He took your hand, interlocking your fingers with his.

The lights flickered then went out. The theme of the Ministry echoed. You all disappeared into the darkness.

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