PART 2 || Vanitas x Reader ~ Wrong

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WORDS: 1338

Sequel to: Vanitas x Reader ~ Hardship

Once again, this is based on the Hanahaki disease. 

TW: Mentions of blood/death and swearing


2nd POV
The next morning came but the sky remained the same. Mysterious Tower definitely had its perks. Since Vanitas couldn't determine the actual time, he glances towards your alarm clock to see that it was just past 7AM. He sighs, too drowsy to leave your bed and instead directs his gaze to where you were sleeping last night. To his surprise, you weren't there. Everything was as it was from before- except for his mask that you probably placed beside him on the drawer.

Just at that moment, the door opens to reveal you with two cups of what appeared to be hot liquid. "Oh. Vanitas, you're awake. I made herbal tea for the both of us." You place one next to his mask. "It's meant to soothe your throat so it should help you." You lift your cup to take gradual sips of the tea, getting a warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach for doing so.

Vanitas sits up and observes you with a blank expression. Even so, he was grateful for your consideration. You were generally the only person in his life who would go through to such lengths to help him out, and getting these coughing fits were seriously a pain in the ass. Carefully, he takes the cup by the handle before proceeding to take sips of the warm liquid. It almost immediately seemed to ease the lingering pain of his throat from last night and for the 3rd time, he was grateful.

"I'll be returning to Radiant Garden now so you're free to leave this room whenever you feel like it." You tell Vanitas and give him a smile, coughing just a bit but not severe enough to concern him. With a wave of your hand, you exit the room and ready yourself for Radiant Garden.


Only days later, you found yourself growing weaker and weaker to the effects of the Hanahaki disease. It slowly began to feel suffocating, like you couldn't breathe. While those were one of the symptoms the illness was becoming worse, you just couldn't do anything about it. It was almost physically impossible- especially if you had to own up to who you liked.

"Ughh, I'm such a coward." You groan into your hands, peaking through your fingers to look at your reflection in the mirror. Your mind suddenly directs itself to Vanitas. Couldn't you just take Kairi's advice and take the surgery? She was actually the only one you completely owned up to alongside Axel but you never fully confessed as to who you liked. The urge to cough once again rises due to your ponderous state but still, you force down the temptation.

But that only worsens it.

Now you feel like you're crumbling away on the bathroom floor as you violently hack out petals and occasional flowers. You could even see specks of blood fly out when you try to calm your fit down. Nothing really worked in the end. However, a miracle seemed to happen when your gummi phone started to ring on the bathroom counter. Your eyes widen as you attempt to heave yourself up to reach the phone.

You struggle, feeling so disoriented you thought you were climbing an entire mountain trying to answer the call. A familiar voice from the other side immediately greets you, and surprisingly, it was someone you weren't expecting.

"[Y/N]? Hey. You there? I'm calling since I'm trying to catch up on your condition. You helped me back at the Mysterious Tower so I thought I'd return the favour by seeing if anything's up with you." A smile forms on your face once you recognise the voice and yet you still feel dejected by his reasoning.

"Vanitas?" You could hear him sigh on the other end.

"Good, you're here. I thought I was talking to a ghost for a second." You soon realise it was a face-call and you weren't in view. Either way, you were too tired to bother carrying yourself up to confirm your presence. You open your mouth to speak but then you're cut off by another cough. Tasting blood, you cringe at the metallic flavour as you cautiously await Vanitas' response. "The hell? [Y/N], you're having another fit?" You form a grim smile despite knowing he wouldn't see it.

"Unfortunat-" Another cough. And this time, more followed.

"Shit. I'm coming." Vanitas immediately hangs up. Merely seconds later you could hear a corridor forming with footsteps growing louder and louder. That didn't take long, much to your surprise. You almost forgot he had the power to travel wherever he pleased since he had Darkness on his side. Vanitas places a hand on your shoulder and turns you slightly to inspect your condition. Realising it has become even more severe, he hastily pulls you up. "I'm taking you to the infirmary to get that surgery done." Your eyes widen. 

"Wait what?"

"You heard me-"

You stop him. "No, wait! I won't take it!" Vanitas looks at you incredulously.

"Why the hell not? You'd rather die suffering in agony?" You nod, opening your mouth to back yourself up but then you're cut off with another round of coughs. Vanitas huffs angrily at this. "So, you'd rather to cast your life away just because of some infatuation with someone who might not even like you back?!"

"Yes because it would at least it would show my resolve!" 

He becomes quiet from your sudden outburst. Tears start to prick in the corners of your eyes as you cough up a petal. Just by looking at him made you sick and yet you still loved him for being here. "Vanitas." Your heart aches just by mentioning his name. "I love him. Him and only him. If I were to take the surgery, I would only suffer more by knowing he wouldn't bother to like me back. To bother to look at me for who I am." You say, remembering the scene from a few days ago when Vanitas hung around a certain girl near the local bar. He even kissed her. The thought alone made you want to throw up.

He looked so happy. So smug and proud that it pained you, now knowing you'd have no chances of him returning those feelings.
You were growing selfish, but, just by recalling the memory felt like thorns in your stomach. When did you even grow so infatuated? So much more lovestruck than in that incident in the Mysterious Tower?

Vanitas looks at you with an unreadable gaze, watching helplessly as you ripped yourself from his grasp. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm too much of a stupid coward to do such a thing." You whisper, the metallic taste of blood becoming too much for you so you spit it out, crimson petals following. "I'd die cherishing the moments I had with him before he found his significant other. For when he's happy." You clench your fists. "And I won't blame him for it."

"[Y/N].." Vanitas stares at you in shock. "..You really are unfair." You look up at him as he says this. The boy gives you a small, unfamiliar smile as he slowly falls to his knees and starts to hack out a certain coloured petal. You gaze down at him in confusion, that memory of him crowding your mind and yet he's giving you mixed signals from his latter statement. You thought he loved someone else. You were so sure.

"I love you, [Y/N]."

And yet you were so wrong. 


Literally the only reason I made this entire 2-part oneshot was because I saw a mini story in a comment section on YouTube and it inspired me. That's basically it lmao 

This wasn't actually the ending I was hoping for but eh, hope you enjoyed reading!
Please point out any grammatical errors so I can fix them :)

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