A even SORER Detention! And the start of a journey

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Chapter Cover By Zani

Rodrigo was thinking so hard on Professor Oak's suggestion. To be a ressearcher? Would he have to leave Pallet Forest? Well, all cubs are expected to leave home one day as they grew up, but even so, the thought made him nervous.

At least he had the rest of the night to reflect about it....after, much for his mother's surprise, Rodrigo's Clefairy teacher to visit him so as to give him a bedtime spanking and ground him from TV for two days for sleeping in class.

Yeah, as she said during detention....she was VERY worried that sleeping late could affect the young cub's health, so she wanted to ensure he wouldn't do it again anytime soon!

Rodrigo's mind went again to his talk with Professor Oak, the day before his birthday....

"So...I'm not gonna have to catch Pokemon like trainers do, and I get to do the things I already do, right?" Rodrigo tried to understand.

"Indeed! I'd feel safer if you had Pokemon who travelled with you, but you might convince a friend or two to help you. Speaking of which, I have a proposal.

How about you help me with a small task? Then you could see if becoming a Pokemon Researcher is of your liking. It's a simple task, really. All I need you to do is to spend the day playing with your Pikachu friend, and then report to me what you two did at the end of the day." he suggested.

"Ehh...I dunno, Professor...can I talk with Teacher first?" the 9 year old asked. Befitting his age, the young human cub would want to go to his teacher for advice. Plus, he gotta ask Pikachu too if he's okay with the professor's idea!

"Why, of course you can. I don't want to put pressure on you, young man." Oak said.

And so, after lunch, Rodrigo went right back to Pallet Forest, deciding to go to Pikachu's den. The two cubs knew each other since Pikachu was just a Pichu, and became best friends as time went on!

And of course, this meant Pikachu's parents knew him well, as a Raichu smiled at him. "{Why, hello there, Rodrigo! You came to visit Pikachu?}" she asked.

Pikachu's father was a normal Raichu, but his mother was completly different from any Raichu.... Professor Oak would be shocked if he met her! She had deep blue eyes, her ears and tail are completly different. she also had an lighter coloring and more rounded features.

Her huge tail also seem to be very different from her Raichu husband.

"Oh, yeah! I came to see if he can play a bit with me..." Rodrigo said, though he was still thinking on Professor Oak's proposal.

This made the unusual Raichu frown. "{Is something the matter? You have a lot on your mind. Young cub, maybe you'd feel better if you talked about it with someone.}" she noted.

"O-oh, I forgot you can read me like a book, miss Raichu..." Rodrigo said, but smiled as the motherly Pokemon made an apple float to him!

"{Well, of course I do, you silly cub. I'm a Psychic.}" she said, giggling.

After Rodrigo ate the apple (It was really tasty-Pikachu and Raichu families are known to be able to find specially good apples!) the boy sighed, "I'm just thinking at what Professor Oak told me. I am now officially ten years old, so I gotta decide on my future career." he said.

"{I always thought humans put too much pressure on their cubs too fast. You're still young, you should just study on Clefairy's class, then play with the other cubs and have fun.}" the Raichu said, shaking her head. "{I don't know why they want their cubs to grow up so fast.}"

"I know, right? It would be so much simpler if I could just stay playing on Pallet Forest, but somehow I think I gotta choose my career. Most kids on Pallet Town become Pokemon Trainers, but beating up Pokemon and taking them away from home to win a tournament....that just ain't my thing." sighed Rodrigo.

"{My husband drove off a few trainers from here, but their pokemon seem to be their trainer's friends. If being a trainer is what you choose, you could just take with you Pokemon that willingly follow you. Battling is important for you cubs to learn to defend yourselves.}" Raichu explained, "{But from your confusion, I suppose you have more than one path before you?}" she asked.

Yes, being a Psychic type, Raichu could read the cub's mind easly, but instead of breaking his privacy, she'd rather respect it and let the cub tell her what's on his mind if he's ready to do so.

"Yeah, the Professor suggested I ressearch Pokemon instead, kinda like he does. Says me understanding your language can help humans get a better understanding of Pokemon. Course, this probably means I'd have to vanish a lot, and won't you guys feel used?"

"{Don't be silly, cub!}" the Raichu said, gently patting his head. "{Rodrigo, you and my son know each other since he was just a Pichu. You're pratically family, you know.}"

"Oh, I sure do. I remember that you and Pikachu's dad both had me over your laps at one point or another. Guess it's a part of love, but I'd rather if it didn't sting so much." Rodrigo said, making the female Raichu giggle at the cub's cuteness!

"{Well, if you behave, it won't happen.}" she giggled, but then continued, "{Anyway, young cub, this means that aside from Clefairy and your human mother, we all know you better than anyone. We won't think you're using us, because we know you.} she said, patting his head.

Rodrigo smiled cheerfully at this. "Thanks, miss Raichu. I feel a bit better now!"

She nodded, "{I'll call my son. But if you're this indecisive, maybe you should see what Clefairy suggests.}" Raichu recommended.

Rodrigo nodded! After he played for the rest of the day with Pikachu, he kept thinking on Professor Oak's suggestion.

Unfortunately, that night, Oak had a lecture on TV about Pokemon Ressearch! This meant Rodrigo again stayed up late watching it, which could only mean one thing....

"{And so, Evolutionary Stones aren't meant for a cub to playfully become an adult, they are a rite of passage among Pokemon who....I don't believe it, Rodrigo, you naughty cub, wake up!}" the Teacher scolded!

Of course, this was followed by the familiar rubber hammer appearing out of nowhere and smacking the back of the boy's head, making him yelp! "Owwie! I'm up, teach!" he whined, rubbing his eyes with a yawn, which made the other cubs get worried. It was the second time in two weeks that he sleeps in class!

"{Hey, you okay? That's not like you, Rodrigo.}" Pikachu asked him.

"I-I'm okay...please don't tell mr and miss Raichu, or they'll get worried too..." Rodrigo said.

Clefairy shook her head, however. "{That's another detention for you, Rodrigo. We'll have a serious talk this time.}" she said, making all cubs wince!

"Aww, teach.." Rodrigo whined, but nodded as a good cub should.

This made Clefairy nod in approval, though she knew she had to be strict. Soon, she finished her Evolutionary Stones in Pokemon culture class, and again the cubs wished good luck and gave Rodrigo and Clefairy some privacy...

And the already sniffling human cub's hands went to his pants, but Clefairy shook her head. "{I'll bare your bottom myself this time, cub. Come here, before your spanking, we need to have a talk.}" she said, patting her table.

Rodrigo was surprised! For the spanking to not start immediatly...Clefairy must be very dissapointed!

"S...sorry, teach...." the boy said with a guilty look, as he sat down next to her.

"{Teacher, Rodrigo...}" sighed Clefairy. "{I'm very dissapointed, young cub. I was sure you had learned your lesson from last time we had this talk.}"

"....I'm sorry. Lots in my mind...." the boy admitted, sighing.

"{Yes, I thought so. Do you need to take something outta your chest, young cub?}" Clefairy gently asked him.

Yes, Clefairy can be strict, but as a teacher, she knows each and every of her students. She knows when the cubs are making excuses, but she also knows if something is bothering them, and she'll always be there to help her students if she thinks they are sad;

"T-Teach....eeeh, teacher, sorry....I...I dunno if I'll be able to stay much longer in class..." Rodrigo said, looking down, as he explained to her the whole story he told Raichu.

The wise Fairy Type gave a gentle sigh and adjusted her glasses, as she asked, "{So what bothers you is that humans expect you to grow up too fast, and you think you'll lose the simple joys of cubhood, is that right?}

As the boy nodded, Clefairy patted his back! "{Let me tell you a story, young cub. My evolution line are among the rarest of all Pokemon. This makes us VERY desirable to those so called "Pokemon Trainers" most humans took a shine to.}" she said.

Rodrigo blinked and looked surprised. Pallet Forest's Teacher doesn't tell a story unless there's something important to be taken from the story, and it's rare for her to tell a story to just one cub, and on detention, no less! So he paid close attention to Clefairy's words, though his little fists clenched a bit at yet another thing he has against Pokemon Trainers!

"{At the time, in Mt.Moon, a curious and cheerful Cleffa didn't understand why her family were so shy among humans and even other Pokemon. She didn't want to hide, she wanted to befriend everyone. Humans. Pokemon.}"

"Kinda like me when I wanted to befriend the Pokemon here when they were wary of humans?" Rodrigo asked, interested.

Clefairy nodded, giggling, "{That's right. That Cleffa often got her small pink bottom double slapped over Mama Clefable's lap for ignoring her warnings.} she said, making Rodrigo giggle and say, "I sympathise with her pain!"

Clefairy giggled and smiled at her student feeling a bit better, but then sighed, "{Cleffa didn't understand at the time, though, being too young and inexperienced, but her mother was right. When she scolded or spanked her, it was out of love. It was because she cared about her daughter's safety. Because not listening one day ended badly.}"

Rodrigo's eyes widened in shock! "W-what happened...?"

"{Pokemon Trainers happened. Lots of black clothed men invaded it, taking our culture's Moon Stones and some fossils away. They were the first humans that Cleffa had seen in a long while, so she tried to go there, and say "hi"....only for them to apparently shout something about a rare Pokemon and sic Zubats and Sandshrews and Raticates at her.

Luckly, her mother Clefable was nearby, and rescued her from the attack.

{M-mama...I-I'm sorry.....} Cleffa had said, tearing up. {It's all my fault...}

{Don't you worry your little head now, my little cub, we can talk about this when we see each other again, but now, you need to be safe. Run away from Mt Moon from the back entrance, since I'm rarer, they'll focus on me and leave you be. I'll come find you when I can.}" she promised, kissing Cleffa's forehead.

The young cub wanted to disagree, to stay with Clefable and help, but not listening is what put them on this position to begin with, so she tearfully was forced to obey.}" the Teacher explained.

Rodrigo frowned. "O-oh...is she okay?" he asked, a bit sad for her.

"{She ended up sadly using Metronome again, and again, and again, until she got what she needed: Fly. This let her look for a place far from the black clothed humans, promising to go back to Mt.Moon once she was stronger and more prepared. But she ended landing, out of energy, in White City, a place full of humans. And, much for her fear, a young human approached her...but she was shocked as the little boy asked if she was okay...}" Clefairy explained, smiling as she knew her student would find this familiar!

"A-a little boy....and a Cleffa...? Wait, that's...me!" Rodrigo gasped! "I remember that! I nursed the Cleffa back to health, and when she noticed I understood Pokemon language, we befriended each other...she was like a sister to me...! B-but once she was fully healed, she decided to leave, telling me she didn't want me to be in trouble for hiding a Pokemon no human caught on the house, and promising we'd meet each other some day...!"

His Teacher nodded. "{Correct! From this day on, she learned to mind her mother's words, when they are for her safety...but also to not let fear and hesitation freeze her in place. Instead of wonder about what could be, she would bravely walk the path ahead of her.}"

The boy understood. Like Clefable, his teacher was worried when he put his health at risk by sleeping late, and not listening isn't good for him. He needs to listen to those who cares for him! And also, he needs to surpass his fears, and let his heart tell him what to do next!

"Thanks, teach! I...I think I know what to do now!" Rodrigo smiled!

Clefairy smiled. "{Good. I'm happy, my student...}" but then she looked stern! "{...But now, is the time to deal with your punishment. You didn't think I forgot, did you?}"

Rodrigo whined, he was hoping she had! "Aww, teacher...."

"{Don't aww teacher me.....bend over your desk, young cub.}" Clefairy ordered.

Rodrigo was nervous! This was the first time he had to do this for his spanking...as he assumed the position, and his teacher pulled his pants and undies down to his ankles, he wondered what she had in mind!

He'd soon wish he hadn't wondered......

For he soon saw the familiar rubber hammer appear outta nowhere!

"T-teach...are you gonna bonk me too? I am paying attention now..." Rodrigo asked, confused.

But Clefairy shook her head as she surprisingly grabbed the hammer instead of letting it float! "{Not this time, student. Rather, I figured that, since this is a recurring mischief of yours, you need a more strict punishment.}" Clefairy explained, tapping the rubber hammer in her paw!

Rodrigo gasped! "Y-you don't mean....!" he asked, wide-eyed!

But his fears were confirmed, as....SQUEAK!!! Clefairy swung the rubber hammer to spank the bare bottom before her!

"Owwwwwwwie! N-not that, Teach! Pleaseeeeeeee.....!!!" whined the poor boy.

"{Yes, the rubber hammer, Rodrigo, you naughty cub! We talked about watching tv! Sleeping late can't just affect your grades, but your health, as well! You know that!}" Clefairy scolded, as she kept literally hammering this lesson into poor Rodrigo's sore bum bum!

One would have had problem taking seriously a toy being used as a spanking implement. It's only a toy hammer made of rubber, and one that makes funky squeaky noises at that! How much can it hurt? Well, you have to understand Rodrigo is NOT making a scene....yes, this hammer, being rubber, doesn't damage or even hurt anyone that much. Rather, it stings! And quite a bit more than a slipper, too!

This is why it's usually used to bonk the head softly when a cub loses attention-it'll sting a bit, but won't harm, damage, make dizzy, or anything. Clefairy cares for each and every of her students, after all, and would NEVER bring harm to them!

"Owwie, ouch, b-but, it was to see if I was okay with...oww....b-bein' a ressearcher! Professor, oww, Oak was giving a lecture on the subject on tv, and...." whined Rodrigo.

"{A lecture that you could ask the professor to give you later, when both you and him had time, instead of disobeying your teacher on matters that could affect your grades and your health.}" Clefairy sternly scolded, alternating cheeks with the hammer as she spanked. "{Naughty cub! Since you didn't learn bedtime is for sleeping, I'll have to be more strict. You're grounded from tv for TWO WEEKS!}"

Rodrigo yelped even louder! A bonk on the head stings, but a full out spanking with the rubber hammer stings TWICE as much!

"Sob....owwie.....aww, Teacher, two weeks is too long....waaaaahhh, okay, I'm sorry, not the rubber hammeeeeeeeerrrr!!!!!" the poor boy bawled.

The Clefairy nodded, then asked, spanking all over the butt, "{What are you learning, Rodrigo?}"

"Sob! Waaaaaahh....sniff, t-to not sleep late....it isn't good for my heaaaaaalth!" Rodrigo cried.

"{And what'll happen if you keep sleeping late?}" she asked, giving ten last hammer spanks to the sitspots to end.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! I'll get spanked, I'll get spankeeeeeeeeeed!" Rodrigo bawled.

After that, Rodrigo was sent to the classroom's familiar naughty corner, and there he had to stay ten minutes to think on what he did.

Ten minutes later, he was sniffling as his teacher hugged him and conforted. "{There, there, cub. All forgiven. Just don't worry me again, kay?}"

"Kay, teacher. But can I asked somethin'?" Rodrigo asked, rubbing his eyes as he finnaly calmed down.

"{Hmm? Why, of course, student. What is it?}" Clefairy asked.

"Well...ya seem to know a lot about my friend Cleffa, so....what is she up to?" Rodrigo asked, finnaly smiling. "Is she okay?"

"{Well...Cleffa evolve into Clefairy via happyness, and she made happy memories with her new friend. Once a Clefairy, she explored all of White City, untill she ran into Earl's Pokemon academy. Seeing it, she was amazed, and wondered if she couldn't teach her fellow cubs this way, sharing all the knowledge her mother Clefable taught her. Once she decided on it, she went back to her friend, deciding he'd be the first cub she'd take as a student.}" Clefairy said.

Rodrigo gasped! "Y-you mean?!"

The teacher smiled! "{It's nice to see you again, Rodrigo. But sheesh, I wonder if I was such a handful to mommy when I was a Cleffa...}"

Rodrigo suddently gave her a HUGE hug! She took care of him as his teacher all this time. She was his old friend! He was so happy!

"I missed ya so much! I'm happy you are my old Cleffa friend, teach!" cheered Rodrigo.

"{T...well, I won't correct you this one time, Rodrigo.}" Clefairy decided, smiling. "{Now you know why I worry enough to ground you from TV. If I am like a sister, as you said, I have to act like one. Now, go to your home and rest.}"

Rodrigo blinked. "Rest? Why?"

"{Because for you to see if you want to be a ressearcher like the Professor suggested, as well as me to bring closure to a chapter of my life...and also to teach all of you cubs, my students, tommorrow we'll make a class excursion....to Mt.Moon.}" The Teacher revealed....

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