Around Every Corner Part 2

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*River Street*

Kenny, Lee, Carley, and I walk down the abandoned street.

Lee: Hey, wanna talk about it?

Kenny: About what?

Lee: About what happened back there. In the attic.

Kenny: No.

Lee: You sure, man? I mean--

Kenny: River's right up ahead. 

Bells start tolling and Kenny and I draws out pistol.

Kenny: Son of a bitch. That bastard's fucking with us again. It's another trap. 

Lee: No. Listen. That's not the same bell as before. This one's further off. Whatever it is, it's gonna get the dead moving over there. 

Shane: Lee's right, the dead will be move over there. Let's go and find the boat.

Carley: Yeah, let's go find a boat before trouble springs us.

Walkers start to appear on the street, moving away from them. Kenny, Lee, Carley, and I behind a wall.

Kenny: What in the hell is going on?

Shane: Don't know, keep your head up.

Lee: I have no idea. But someone must be ringing those bells. 

Kenny: Whatever, man. I find whoever's doing that. I'll ring their motherfucking bell for 'em.

The walkers have disappeared. 

Kenny: Hmph. Let's keep moving. 

Kenny, Lee, Carley, and I continue walking. 

Lee: Still nothing moving behind us, I think we're--oh, my god.

Only one boat, partially submerged, is left at the harbor.

Kenny: There's gotta be a boat...there's gotta be.

Lee: Are you sure about that? It doesn't look like it to me. Maybe we need to start thinking about a plan B.

Carley: Shit, Lee's right. We need a plan B.

Kenny: This IS the plan, Lee, Carley! This is our best and only shot! You said so yourself back at the house! You agreed with me!

Lee: Yeah, but that was before we--

Kenny turns away. Lee reaches out for him but Kenny runs, soon followed by Lee, Carley, and I. Kenny jumps down onto the dock to examine the boat, and Lee, Carley, and I stands on the sidewalk behind the railing. 

Kenny: This one might still be salvageable. 

Shane: I'll have a look around, see if I can find anything?

Carley: I'll do the same. 

Carley and I leave.

Lee: Kenny, seriously?

Kenny: You got a better fucking idea?

Kenny: I'll check it out. You look further along the waterfront. Maybe there's something at the other end. 

Lee: I don't think we should split up too far.

Kenny: We don't have to. See that telescope? You can see all the way along the waterfront from right here. See what you can find. 

Lee: Okay.

At the end of the street, several "living" zombies are stuck on pikes next to a sign saying "Stay Out".

Clementine x Shane: Season 1 Telltale Fan SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now