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The warriors were sitting in the dojo on the ground. They sat in a circle with their legs crisscrossed. Jack had called a meeting. They were dead silent, staring at Jack worried. He said it was extremely important.

"Ok, guys. Summer is over tomorrow," Jack said.

"Yep, first year in high school. Time to get them hot chicas!" Jerry shouted with a ridiculous smile.

April and Kim glared at him and hit his arms. Milton chuckled as Jerry winced.

"Shut up Jerry," April said.

"As I was saying. Tomorrow is freshman year. It's usually the year that friends split," Jack said quietly.

Everyone frowned and go silent. Kim sighed.

"Guys, we don't have to worry. We're the wasabi warriors. We're not going to split up! Not again!" Kim shouted to prove her point. "We're more than friends. We're family."

"Kim's right. Jack, you have nothing to worry about. We all have nothing to worry about," Milton said, looking at his best friends.

"Yeah, we'll be together, no matter what. You know this Jack," April pitched in.

"And remember Jack. Bros for life," Jerry said holding his fist out. Jack fist pumped him with a smile.

"I have a feeling bros before hoes isn't going to be one of our saying though, right?" Jack said, chuckling a bit.

"Of course not, man. I need my honeys!"

April hit his arm again. Jerry cursed her out in Spanish, rubbing his arm. She only smirked along with Kim.

Jack got up with a smile and everyone followed.

"Do you promise we'll stay connected?" Jack asked everyone.

They all smiled at each other and nodded.

Jack put his hand in the middle. "Wasabi?"

They put their hands in. "WASABI!" They all shouted and laughed.
Three years later...

"I hate Kim and April!"

"I hate Jack and April!"

"I hate Jack and Kim!"

"I hate them!"

"I hate them!"

"They broke the promise! Stupid tryouts!"

Seaford High.

The drama filled school.

It wouldn't have been so dramatic if fights between the famous trio didn't break out every time they made eye contact.

Yep, that's right, I'm talking about the cheerleader, the bad boy and the basketball player, who happened to be a girl.

Kim Crawford.

Jack Brewer.

April Brooks.

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