Food Fight

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The Seaford High cafeteria. The place where shit went down.

It was separated into social classes.

We got the nerd/geek tables, the jocks table, the popular table, the outsiders/goth/emo tables, and the normal human beings tables.

We also have the dance table, the future presidents/lawyers/doctors table, the basketball table, the cheerleaders table, and the badass table.

That's just one half of the room. The other half belonged to the freshman. No freshman shall cross the line after getting their lunch. That was the rule. Once lunch started, freshmen had twenty minutes to get their lunch and cross over to their side of the cafeteria. The upper class men had the side of the cafeteria where lunch is served.

Today was an oh-so fateful day, where a freshmen screwed up.

Everyone was eating, talking and laughing. So, George thought it was ok to seek back on their side for something else to eat.

Jack immediately noticed this. He tapped on his friend's shoulder and pointed behind them. All the boys smirked with devilish plans for this freshman. Kim noticed as well. She saw Jack's smirk, so she rushed over to the boy first, wanting the first hit.

"What'cha doing in our territory freshman?" Kim asked, crossing her arms.

Jack joined her, glaring at the innocent young teen.

"Um, I-I wanted to grab something to eat," George stuttered in fear.

It was September, school had just started a couple weeks back and the freshmen already knew about the legacy of Jack, Kim and April. They were told stories by other upper classmen. Freshmen cringed in fear whenever the trio walked through the hallway. They were scared all hell would break loose and it always did. They feared the arguments. It was like watching your parents argue. You just want them to stop it, but you can't do anything about it. It's frightening. But, for others it's amusing and entertaining. The comebacks were hilarious and the students/teachers reactions made it more funny.

Most of all, the freshmen feared the constant bullying. They were scared to death of Jack and Kim and learned never to be scared of April. April was like their savior. When April was in the room, you were guaranteed a ticket out of being brutally humiliated that day. But, she couldn't promise you the next day. So freshmen in Seaford were always on their toes, just waiting to be rescued.

George was lucky it was lunch and April was in the cafeteria. Jack and Kim looked this poor kid up and down. Kim laughed.

"I suggest you leave right now. You don't need anything else in your system big boy," Jack made fun of him.

George wasn't even that chubby. He didn't work out, so he had a little flab on his arm instead of muscle. He never really thought about until Jack said that. He became insecure about it immediately. George swallowed in fear of more insults. He was in the middle of the cafeteria. He felt like all eyes were on him as his humiliation continued. In reality they were looking at Jack and Kim, as well as April. She was sitting with her basketball team, talking and carrying on. That was until one of her team mates nodded over to them.

April looked over her shoulder and saw Jack and Kim terrorizing yet another freshmen. Her blood boiled at the sight.

"I don't get why they must always go for the freshmens. They're innocent teens with no able to come up with a comback in time. Now I have to be their fucking savior all the time."

The star athletic got up. And the freshman sighed in relief as he saw the tall, muscluar junior walk their way.

Kim was offended. "How dare you sigh in the middle of me roasting you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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