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I select this topic don't know why 😂
Another bicker 😂



Wake up : 11:00 am

Sleep : Who knows when

8:00pm :

"I protest!"


"Phi this is sheer disgrace!"


"How come you are free?"

"May be because only civil people lives in my area."

"P'Beam is not civil."

"But he is not rowdy."

"Let me rephrase...P'Forth is not civil."

"But he listens everything Beam says."

"Arrgghhh!Still how could they???My prestige has ben punctured. "

"Prestige is not TIRE.
Each area has different condition.Accept it."

"I can't.They used bamboos to barricade due to lockdown! What are we?We are decent..!"

"How?Engineering boys are all ruffians.You love to fight and don't talk about brotherhood shit!"

Ming closed his mouth.

"At least we will abide by the rules."

"You went outside yesterday. "

" was..umm..important.I felt suffocated.I wore mask too."

"Exactly!Lockdown is for safety and you shouldn't go outside if not nessessary.They use bamboo to barricade your area and I bet you jump on it like hurdle race to roam around.Next time I will call police myself.
Even a banana can't control a monkey."

Ming pouts then his eyes lit up..

"Phi!!Then how about I shift myself to your condo?"

"Never!I know you..I have to study and pass!No way!"

"If you skip sometimes that won't hurt."

"I will be working with people's life in future.Even Beam studies hard."

"Phi I am not that bad!"

"Few months ago why did you guys attack Geography?"

"That happened few months agooooo!"

"Of course!After that we are facing lockdown continuously dumbass! And our classes are replaced by online class."

"Ah I miss campus and..fighting."


"I mean yeah.. Oh.uhh..playing.We could have arranged sports week to blow our steam."

"You didn’t answer me yet."

"I forget phi.That's a long long long time ago..Who remembers right?"


"Well who says to be this weak?They can't even win one football match against us!Such losers!"

"And you guys decided to bully them!"

"Ahmm...No no.."

"Next time I will call authority for Engineering  buildings to use strong barricade with danger written on it.."


We end up quarreling again!Was it a quarrel?No!Then what?

Today's quote :  Lockdown is boring.
P'Pha is super boring (Don't tell him)

Gratitude practice : No gratitude.Sorry


This two!Can't they stop bickering over silly things?

Do you have any suggestion or topic in mind regarding corona virus and lockdown?I will be grateful if you help me.

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