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Sunflower Valley

"Ah Minho!" Jisung claws at the olders back, his body curved off the bed in pleasure.

"Fuck Jisung, so damn tight." Minho jerks his hips, effectively plunging himself deeper into the younger.

The two moan, Jisung practically screaming with each thrust.

"So good, fuck Jisung yes." Minho moans into the youngers ear.

Jisung's eyes roll back in pure bliss, his whole body filled with pleasure. Every jerk and thrust of Minho's hips sending waves of ecstasy over the two, both wanting more. Minho tightens his grip on the youngers hips, pulling him harshly to meet each thrust. Jisung screams out, and without warning, his cum bursts out onto their chests. Minho moans at the sudden tightness, his jaw clenched as he too bursts, his cum coating the younger inner walls.

"Minho!" Jisung cries out, his eyes rolling back, hands hands leaving defined deep red lines on the older's back.




The two look at each other from across their sitting spots on the bed and stop, Jisung blushes and looks down. Minho blushes as well and clears his throat.

"Jisung that.... what we did just now-"

"No one can know, I know." Jisung whispers, his hand gripping the edge of the bed, tears welling up.

"I'm sorry Jisung, but you and I will both get in trouble." Minho stands and walks to the door, his hands smoothing out his tie. "Goodbye Jisung."

After hearing the door shut, Jisung lets out a sob, his body falling forward onto the ground and he cries out loudly. Jisung rolls into a ball, his sobs loud and clear from outside the door. Minho glares at the ground as he hears the younger crying, all he wanted to do was comfort him, but couldn't. He already broke too many rules as it is, one being he slept with his patient.


Jisung has been in the Sunflower Valley mental illness hospital for over a year and a half now, each day growing more and more tired of the place. He didn't mind it, it was better than where he lived before, but the strict schedule he didnt like one bit. Wake up, take medication, breakfast, art class, book club, lunch, free time outdoors, free time indoors, meditation, medication, dinner, lights out. It made his brain hurt having to remember each thing, and sometimes in art class the teacher wouldn't let him use the bathroom in the middle of painting his "inner feelings". He hated it all.

The only thing that kept Jisung a little sane was Dr. Minho, one of the many doctors he has to visit for check ups. Jisung had a crush on the doctor, everyone knew, even the guards. He didn't try to hide it however, he wanted the older to know how he felt, even if doctor and patient relationships were a no no in the Sunflower Valley illness hospital, Jisung didn't care though. He knew the day he saw the doctor that he liked him, he was kind unlike the other doctors, and always had a smile on his face.

"Jisung." He turns around to see Felix.

"Oh, hi Felix." Jisung looks back at his art painting.

"You ok, you seem sad today." Felix steps up by the other.

"We're in a mental hospital Felix, when am I supposed to be happy?" Jisung chuckles darkly.

Felix and Jisung ended up here together, the two being friends since kindergarten. Their parents were close too, so close they all too didn't like their kids. They all came together and got rid of the two boys, this how they ended up in a mental hospital. Felix with the weird obsession over death, Jisung always whispering about killing, of course all was a lie, but that's what their parents told the doctors.

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