I never wanted to be like this. I never wanted to live this world. I never really wanted anything, but things change when you’re a monster.
Chapter 1
You see, the world used to be normal for me. Everyone lived their lives, in a boring 9-5 routine. But one day the world changed into a wasteland when the accident happened, and everything that was normal, or dare I say "boring" was gone, just like that. I really never thought about what the world would be at its lowest point, but I guess this is it.
I looked around to find, non-surprisingly, the same barren place. The dirt was a dry beige, leaving no indication of the vegatation that once grew there. Nevertheless, I kept my head on the ground, not really paying attention to where I was going. When the only danger was you, you really didn’t worry about anyone coming. I kicked a rock along the dirt path, kicking up dust as it rolled. The scruff of my shoe never seemed to miss it, until I knocked against something.
I looked up. In front of me was a rotting building, with grime on the sides. I stepped inside, smelling for anything suspicious. Or anything I can eat. The building is, or at least I can guess was an old advertising company. There were slogans and advertisements on the walls, the paper color faded away. I can already imagine someone having their coffee on the worn wooden desk, typing away on the computer that basically held their entire life story. But now it was a dusty countertop, with little remnants of the life it once held.
Shaking my head to get out of my stupor, I looked around for any signs of the living, or anything once living. There were a couple of scraps of fur on the floor, so I followed the trail it left, hoping that it was something I could eat. Being that the fur was an orange color, the least I could get was a cat. I know that whatever was at the end of this trail was food for me. Your gag reflex basically goes away when it comes to these types of situations; it's what you had to do to survive.
I remember when everything used to be normal. Supermarkets were open, society was still alive, and the biggest problem anyone had was if they couldn’t pay for something. I had friends, I had my mother, and I had a daily routine, something that I dreaded then, but would love to go back to now. Since the accident, everyone had to result to cannibalism. One of the scariest things to encounter is when someone has nothing left to lose. That's when you truly see who someone really is. The weak died first. I mean, after all the looting and muggings-
Enough, I thought to myself. No more dwelling in the past. Shaking my head again, I took a deep breath and walked forward. When the fur trail ended I realized that in front of me was a dead cat carcass. Things like this used to sicken me in the beginning, but now the main concern was if it was edible. Flies were around it, and even though there was meat there, it was rotting away.I haven’t eaten since yesterday, and my stomach was barely full then. I kicked the dead cat with the scruff of my shoe and walked out of the building. No point staying there anymore.
When I got back outside, it seemed hotter than before. I picked up my bag which was only full of survival items. A first aid kit, fire starters, and blankets were the only thing of use to carry around. Anything personal was completely useless; the one thing I would have liked to have back is completely gone. I also had an umbrella so that I didn’t have to sleep with the rain pouring on me. The only thing that was regularly of use to me would be my knife. Sometimes my teeth weren’t sharp enough.
I kept walking along, pulling out my umbrella to cool me off a bit. The sun never stopped shining, and it seemed like this part of the area was going through a drought. I really didn’t worry about water, but it was a concern for other people who weren't like me. It was something you rarely came across nowadays except in the form of rain. Only two days without it and it would be over. Luckily for me, water wasn’t a necessity just a privilege.
It was going to get dark soon, and being that it gets really cold here at night, I decided to set up camp. I found myself another building, and instead of looking around again, I just moved my bag behind me to use as a pillow. I put one hand behind my bag though, just in case I had some type of company during the night. It wouldn’t be a surprise if some passerby wanted to take my stuff. It’s happened before, and I didn’t want to kill anyone else.

FantasyAmina is a monster, hating the life of one. She lives in a world when a huge pandemic happened, wiping out most of the human race. Only very few people live now..... She then meets Eric, a survior, and comteplates whether to kill him for food,like t...