You - i

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I know nothing of love. It's not something I've experienced or something I know a lot about. I've heard of it, read it, seen it, wrote about it, watched it on TV and thought about it but I've never actually felt it.

But you. I know how I feel about you. You mean a lot to me. I can't and I won't call it 'love' because I myself, do not know what it is.

You are not perfect, but that's not why I like you. I like you for who you are. I don't know if you know this, but I just like the way you smile. To strangers, you look cold and distant. But when people get to know you, they will see that warm side of yours.

I still remember that day, when we were watching a video at school and you mimicked one of the actors. I was laughing so hard at your silliness. You're so strange. You like to make weird jokes that don't make sense, but I like every single of them. You also like to mix drinks or foods and eat them. You'd say that they're delicious but everyone thinks you're strange.

You are not a straight A student in class, but you are not stupid. I know you are smart, especially from your unique insight in everything and your brilliant ideas. You're simply lazy. If you take school more seriously, I bet that you can beat the class valedictorian.

You always ask silly, unnecessary questions about everything. The questions always come up randomly in the middle of our conversations. Even when the answers are obvious, nevertheless, you still ask them. I find it quite amusing, even though I always say that you are annoying.

You tend to draw random things when the teacher is giving us a lecture. It isn't as good as those with talented hands but it's better than mine. Art is never my talent.

You also like to brag about everything and you're always so narcissistic, but that's what I like about you. I know you don't really mean to brag. Those are all part of your weird jokes I can't understand. You always manage to make me laugh, whether you know it or not.

One of the funny things you do is you always sing a random line from a song repetitively. Like that one day when you sang a line from one of Coldplay's song, but you only took one sentence then repeated it over and over again. It was annoying, but that made my day.

You are really weird. Some even call you a freak. But I don't care. Your weirdness is what makes me like you. It's unique. I still remember that day, for our english project, we were supposed to write a story. But all you did was printing out a song lyric you got from google. The teacher didn't even realize it!

Another thing about you is that you never bring your own pens. You always borrow them from others. I've always told you to get one, but you never listen. One of the things about you I notice is that your hands are always cold and sweaty. I've always wondered how would it feel like to hold those hands.

You may be weird, but you are also talented. Music. You love to play guitar and I know you're good at it, even though you keep on saying that you're not. Your voice is also unique. It's low yet shrilly but when you sing, it's beautiful.

Besides music, you are also good in baking cakes, at least better than you claim to. I've eaten your pastries. They're tasty. People think I'm the chef, but they don't know that it's actually you.

You. You are unpredictable. Mysterious. You have this aura that I really like. You look like you know nothing, but I know that it is just a facade. You simply choose to keep quiet about it. You are the clever one. Not me. I wish people could see that.

We're friends, though I've always wished we are more than that. I like those late night texts, how we argue about the silliest things. They never fail to make me smile before I sleep.

I remember you said that your favorite colors are black and white, but I'm not sure it's real because you like to lie about things like that. Sometimes, its hard to tell which one of your statements is true and which one is a lie. Your facial expression can be very convincing.

All my feelings for you... I'm not sure of what it is. But I know I care. I can't tell how deep it is, nor how to measure it. All I know is that, it's there.

I just hope that you have the same feelings too.


So, the Peabrain finally decided to write a story. I know it seems a bit vague. I'm still deciding whether this should be a prologue or something. The following chapters are not going to be so different. I'd like to see your feedback, either comments or votes or anything else. If you like it I'll go on with it :)

- Jesse

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