Chapter 13: Becoming the Frog!

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'' = You're thinking

3rd POV

The four walked across the streets of Singapore. Anne walked up towards a ice cream stand.

Anne: Can I have some ice cream?

Ice cream man reached down and grabbed a coconut, showing it to her.

Ice cream man: Ice cream's good and all, but so is this! It's chilled coconut juice! Would you like to try some?

Jotaro: I guess we could... 

Y/n: Sure. I'm a bit thirsty, anyways.

Jotaro: We'll take four.

Ice cream man: Yes, thanks! That's sixteen dollars.

Anne: Hey, that should be eight dollars!

Kakyoin grabbed into his wallet and pulled out some money, catching the attention of a man nearby.

Kakyoin: Well, this should cover it.

Ice cream man: Okay!

Kakyoin gave the money as the ice cream man gave the coconut juice. As he went to put away his wallet, the man from earlier nicked the wallet and ran off.

Robber: Thanks, pal!

Thinking quick, Kakyoin summoned Hierophant Green and tripped the robber, closing the distance between the two in meer seconds.

Kakyoin: You sh*thead... Did you really think you could get away with stealing my wallet, you f*cking b*tch?!

Roundabout: What the shit is up with him?

Y/n: I dunno.

Kakyoin: Spill your guts!

Kakyoin slammed his knee into the robbers face, certainly breaking something.

Jotaro: Kakyoin!

Roundabout: What the fuck?

Y/n: Well this just escalated quickly!

Kakyoin: You scumbag... You're worth less than a cockroach's d*ck!

Kakyoin started laying into the robber, making his existence nothing short of pain.

Kakyoin: How dare you steal from me with the same fingers you wipe your ass with! What you've done is unforgivable!

Jotaro: Hey, what's wrong with you, Kakyoin?

Y/n: You're gonna kill the man!

Anne: He's attacking viciously! And that foul language!

Kakyoin: Come on! Come on! Come on!

Jotaro got behind Kakyoin and sucker punched him, stopping Kakyoin and letting the robber go.

Jotaro: I said back off! Got it?

He looked down to the robber, who was whincing in pain.

Y/n: What the hell has gotten into you?!

Roundabout: Jesus man! You were gonna kill him!

Kakyoin: That hurt. You didn't have to hit me like that. Only a horrible person would steal from others. It goes without saying I'd retaliate.

Kakyoin grabbed one of the coconuts, putting the straw into his mouth.

Kakyoin: Is that so wrong?

Y/n: Yeah he was being a piece of crap but you could've just gotten the wallet back instead of beating the living daylight out of him!

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