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A/N--I'm sorry that this chapter is a little short (I've been busier than I realized) but I promise it's going to pick up pace soon.

Sunlight splinters through the thick curtains, casting beams into the hotel room. From your place in the enormous bed, you begin to stir. Inhaling sharply, you begin to shift around before finally lifting your head to blink into the light. For a moment, you forget where you are, until you take in the state of the bed around you.

Your heart skips a beat when you realize that Charlie is still laying in bed beside you. It made a nice change from the first time you had sex. So this is what it feels like, you ascertain. You smile as you admire his peaceful features. His face crushed against the pillow, plush lips pushed together and swollen from sleep. Charlie's long, dark eyelashes shift with every slow exhale, a stark contrast of his pale skin. The hair that always beckoned you in to run your fingers through was splayed across the fabric of the cushy pillow like a halo.

You sit up slowly, hugging the blanket to your bare chest. As you glance to the side, you find a sleeping giant sprawled out on his stomach. Smiling softly, you lean down to press a gentle kiss to the warm skin of his back. Heavy sleeper. Perhaps you could quietly order some room service and get some breakfast. Charlie would certainly appreciate some eggs and bacon or waffles with fruit.

As you push the blanket back and swing your legs over the edge of the bed, you feel your bones popping from the long night of heavy sleep. Just as you are about to rise to put on some clothes, a soft ding catches your attention. You sleepily reach out for the phone laying on your bedside table and turn it on to read the notification, only to realize that the phone didn't belong to you.

Two names light up the two of the screen. One is Mary Ann. Your brow furrows upon not recognizing the name. There are several texts from her, but the most prominent one reads 'call me please.' You shift nervously, glancing back at Charlie's sleeping form. You didn't want to jump to conclusions, especially after last night. Swallowing thickly, you convince yourself that she was probably just a relative or coworker.

The second name belongs to someone you recognize. Nicole.

You bite your lip, almost unsure of yourself. Reading his texts with his wife seemed like a bigger invasion of privacy despite everything you had just been doing the night before. Nonetheless, the messages could be read without having to unlock his phone. Fuck it. You tap on the main banner and watch with bated breath as the rest slide down to reveal what she had said to him. Your eyes roam the words.

The texts all read different things, but they all make you feel equally dreadful.

12:34 PM--You could at least ask if we landed safely, you know. Me and your son. Henry keeps asking why you haven't called.

8:05 PM--This is getting ridiculous Charlie

11:47 PM--Please just call your son

12:00 AM--You can explain to him why his father never fucking bothers anymore. I hope you're fucking happy with yourself right now.

You set the phone down immediately, suddenly feeling sick to your stomach. While Charlie was supposed to be caring for his family, he was sleeping with the woman he was having an affair with. How could you ever think this was a good idea? You're destroying their family.

The nausea broils in your stomach. You almost don't want to believe that the man you had just slept with wasn't married, but this was a fact that you had known for a while. He shifts between the sheets, rustling them as he sleepily turns over onto his stomach. Though he doesn't wake, it is enough to make you antsy. Confrontation was the last thing you wanted right now, especially when you wouldn't be able to make a quick escape once he was awake.

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