~That Fateful Night~

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"Run away like you always do, Charlie!"

The door to Charlie Barber's apartment slams shut behind him. His shoulders heave as he stares incredulously at the shiny number hanging on the wood. Fists tensing at his sides, he can only gape blankly at the door handle like an idiot, unsure of what else to do. There was no way Nicole would let him back inside after that. Not right away, at least.

For the past few months, he and his wife had been at each other's throats. Snapping at each other, arguing about Los Angeles, and yelling while their young son wasn't home. They had always been cautious about involving Henry in their fights, but tonight it had all gone south far too quickly.

Truthfully, Charlie couldn't even recall what they were fighting about. It was probably over something stupid like Nicole's lack of self-sufficiency and Charlie's lack of interest for anything other than himself. They were both too horrendously stubborn to admit when they were wrong. Things had escalated quickly, putting Henry right in the center of it all while the young boy was forced to listen to his parents screaming from his room.

Nicole had never thrown Charlie out. Once in a while, he got booted to the couch for a few nights, but that was as far as things went. He knew she wasn't expecting him to be gone until morning. This was just to clear his head; no matter how long it took.

The chilly New York air hits his skin, causing him to shiver beneath his coat. He digs around in his pocket for his pack of cigarettes. It was a nasty habit that he had sworn off a while back but ever since the fighting started again, that habit was making its vengeful return. Part of him knew that there wasn't much he could do to keep this marriage afloat. It was sinking quickly and not even a rekindling of their sex lives could save it.

Charlie plucks his lighter free and raises it to the white end of his cigarette. He cups one hand to block it from the icy wind sweeping through the buildings. The vibrancy of the city nearly drowns out the sound of his lighter sputtering and hissing to life. Warmth fills Charlie's broad chest as he takes a long drag. Nicotine floods his system, providing that momentary relief he'd been seeking.

He releases a stream of thin smoke through his pink lips, watching it furl and drift away into the night sky. The stars were obscured by invisible clouds and the dense layer of smog, but Charlie didn't mind it. He had always preferred the city. The short walks to every destination, the bustle of life. Even the endless symphony of honking cars and loud chatter kept a place in his heart.

"You look like someone who cares about helping the elderly!" A boy in a red vest extends a clipboard in Charlie's direction.

Charlie scoffs softly and brushes past him without further thought. This was something he was used to; shutting down the people who ticked him off. Nicole wouldn't have hesitated to stop and sign her name. She would have handed over half the money in her wallet if the boy had given her a speech about 'helping the elderly.' Why are they even out here this late, Charlie thinks to himself with a roll of his eyes.

He tears his gaze up from the sidewalk to look at the neon sign hanging over a heavy wooden door. 'The Stem,' the sign read, 'Bar and Restaurant.' Charlie sighs and tugs on the scratched silver handle. He really needed a drink right about now to get his mind off of his imploding marriage.

The scent of alcohol and crushed peanuts hits his nose as soon as he steps into the bar. Warmth envelopes him, allowing him to remove his coat and sling it over his forearm. He adjusts the collar of his light blue button-up shirt and rolls up his sleeves. It was a rather cozy little place; one he could be fortunate for stumbling into. Leather seats and booths, tables decorated with little lanterns. It was dimly lit, but not in a raunchy or tacky way, rather comfortably in fact.

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