Chapter 1

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(Tommy is 10 years old right now)

Tommy's POV:

I wake up in a cold sweat, remembering the dream that I just had.

"Tommy! Get out, it's not safe here!" A women yells from the other room. I was standing there just horrified. I run to the front door and got out of the house just before 2 grown started yelling for me
"Get back here you Fucking Bitch!"
"Little Rat Bastard"
My eyes started tearing up as I hear my mum and dad screaming and crying,
I whisper to myself  "where am I supposed to go..."
That's when I started to run to the police station, when I got there, they asked me why I was here and where my parents were.
I told them that two men broke into the house and started beating my parents not realizing I was upstairs.
The police went to my house and seen no one there and started looking, but couldn't find anything.
They took me to this big place
Ms Mary's Orphanage


"Tommy! Earth to Tommy!!!" Someone was waving there hand in my face
"What oh Hi. Sorry Alexa" I look at The women
"It's alright dear, Breakfast is ready whenever you wanna come get something to eat" she smiles and pats me on the back before she walks out of my room.
Alexa Is the Only person that actually calls me by Tommy... she's really nice..
I think to myself. I get up and grab a pair of clothes before walking to the Wash room and taking a shower

15 Minutes Later

I finish Brushing my teeth and Open the door to the wash room and start to walk down stairs, walking down the hallway into the Dining, Happy to see Alexa and no one else Besides two other Boys laughing with each other.
"Oh Hello Tommy! Would you like some Oat Meal?" Alexa asks, still looking at the eggs she is frying
"Uh.. No Thanks, Can I just have an Apple?"
I say looking ashamed knowing she will ask questions
"Tommy you haven't been eating well for the past 2 Days, Are you Sick?" She Bends down so she is at the same height as me.
"I'm not sick! I promise, I'm just not hungry..."
I look down not making eye contact with The Lady
"Tommy if you ever need to, or want to talk I'm always here... If You only want an apple that's perfectly fine, just please try and eat a little more later, okay?" Alexa Says as she pulls me into a hug, I get startled for a second and then I wrap my arms half way around Her and hug back
"Thank you.."
I get out of the hug and grab an apple while walking outside to the courtyard.
I slowly walk around the flowers, I start taking small bits of the Red apple, I notice two people sitting on a bench by the little fish pool.
Luckily there is 4 bench's over there so it won't look like I am being creepy
I start to walk over until I notice that the People were the two boys from the Dining.
I walk to one of the other bench's kinda of hoping The two males wouldn't notice me, But that had failed
"Hey! Your that Kid from earlier! Tommy, Right?" The shorter one said
"Oh, uh yes! I-I am" I stutter a little
I hope they didn't notice that...
"Great! I'm Tubbo, And this is Jack!!"
He Points to the boy next to him
"Ayup mate!" Jack Waves
I wave Back
"Do you wanna sit with us, Tommy?"
Tubbo looks up at me
I stand there, not knowing what to say
"I- uh.. Ye-Yeah! That would be nice"
I sit down on the wooden bench, next to Tubbo
We sit there for the next 30 Minutes till we got called to go do homework
"Hey Why don't we call just work together! We are all working on the same thing aren't we?!" Tubbo Ask's, with a wide smile on his face
Me and Jack nod and we all get our work and head to my room, we set up on the floor and work on that for a few hours.
Once we finished our homework we handed to Alexa and we raced back to my room, once we got there we shut the door and started playing with our trains


"Boys! Time to get ready for bed!!" We hear a women yell
"Awwwhhh.. Okay Bailey" We all Said as we all said goodnight to each other
"Goodnight Tubbo! Goodnight Jack! See you guys tomorrow in the dining hall?" I asked looking at them
"Yup!" They both said while giving me a Thumbs Up
I smile and wave at them
I close my bedroom door
Before walking to the washroom I go and grab a shirt and pants to sleep in.
I finished going bathroom and brushing my teeth I hear someone knock on my Bedroom door
"Hello? Tommy?" It's a women's voice
"Oh hi Alexa!" I sit up looking at the girl
"So a little bird told me you made 2 Friends today.." She walks in smiling while quietly shutting the door to not wake the others
"Yeah! Tubbo and Jack they are Great people to hangout with!"
"Well that's good to hear you have made some friends! Those two are lovely people"
Alexa smiles while sitting down
"Can you tell me a story? Please!" I ask Alexa very nicely
Alexa sighs
"Fine..." Alexa rolls her eyes playfully
"Yes!" I mutter as I start snuggling and laying back down in bed
"Once upon a time..."
I slowly start closing my eyes as she starts telling the story, soon enough
I'm fast asleep

Thank Thank Thank you all for reading this First chapter <3 it means so much to me!
If there are any mistakes do not hesitate to correct me, But be nice about it :)
And if there is a TW that I may have not added and you would like to add, Again do not hesitate to ask me!
If anyone needs to talk, My discord is
Also Join the discord on my Profile!
Remember to Eat, Drink something, Go touch some Grass and take your Meds <33 I love you all thank you! Have a Great Life (Because that's bette then a Day Yk?)
Word Count 1076

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