Chapter 17

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Tony approached the Parker residency in slight hesitancy. It has been an unsettling while since he's spoken to any of them, especially the kid, since the day they had awkwardly separated. He has plenty to say, but in favour of keeping Peter safe and not going behind the kids back, he kept it between himself and Pepper.

Weeks ago in the hotel room, when Peter had a meltdown and had spilt the can of worms of what he's been and still going through. He had told Pepper it all, and it was safe to say that she wasn't very pleased with the revelation. That was an understatement. She was livid. However, the woman took a deep breath to calm down her nerves. And stated how they had to keep it to themselves. They couldn't go behind Peter's back, nor could they scream and shout and attract attention.

And so, it was knowing those facts that made the duo come up with a life-changing decision.

After dropping the kid off with his Aunt after their time away. Tony and Pepper had a long, deep and thorough conversation about their next steps. Steps that will be changing a certain interns life.

Tony knows that having a Little around is going to change some things. But the shaded-glasses wearing man is consistently firm, that it won't change much. And if it does, it won't be massive changes. Little's need routines and too much change will be detrimental to their health. Not unless it's for the best and will benefit them in the long run.

He just wants the boy out of harm's way. And what better way to so, than to take the boy on permanently. Little side and all.

Peter is still the same incredibly smart boy he always is before they found out about his classification. That doesn't and will never change. Gosh, even Pepper teases about the fact that this may be the much-needed push Tony needs to adapt to a life of healthy eating and sleep schedule.

Now, after a week of essentially baby-proofing the lab and main floors with actual safety precautions. Tony is ready to build and invent with the one person he's starting to think less of an intern, and more as his best friend.

Bringing his hand up to the wood of the door of the apartment, Tony knocked on the door three times before waiting patiently to be let in. There was a loud shuffling and then the sound of the door being unlocked, only to reveal a stressed Aunt May. Her hair dishevelled and static with worry.

"May? Is-" Tony was cut off by suddenly being shoved into the wall. Mason's hands pinning him by his collar. Crinkling the material and making creases.

"You should have called us to say he was with you!" The man spat in his face, completely confusing the millionaire. What was this about? And why was Mason acting worried, when it was the complete opposite of what the man truly felt about this situation.

Due to all that Peter rambled to him weeks ago, Tony knows the man didn't give two fucks about the intelligent boy. It made him sick to see his intern's abuser fake concern.

"What are you talking about? Peter isn't with me." Tony croaked out, happy the strangling hold on him loosened once he replied.

Aunt May slapped Mason on the arm before inclining Tony to come in. "Earlier this morning, we found Peter's room unslept in. Peter isn't here, and he isn't with Ned. We called his mother and there's been no sign Peter has been there, he isn't at school because his school bag is still in his room. That and today is Saturday. So where else would he be?" May exasperated, hands pulling at her hair. Her nephew is usually doing some sort of homework by now.

"We were about to call you, to see if Peter was with you. But then you appeared at the door, and now you've said how he hasn't even been with you, we have no choice but to call the police. This isn't like Peter, Tony. If he wanted to leave, he would say. But he didn't, and that's unusual." The woman rambled, lip biting and being nothing but a perfect representation of worry.

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