As you return to the dorm you call your boyfriend lime because you miss him,On phone: Liam: hey baby how was your day
You: it was good I made a friend here
Liam: oh that is good I miss you already,
You: me too I wish you were here with me.
Liam: me too but don't worry just one year and we will be in the same college,
You: yeah so how was your day,
Liam: you know the same old same old I had a lot of practice after school with my track,
You m: well don't work yourself to much,
Liam: I wouldn't oh I have to go bake to practice, talk to you tomorrow, bye love you
You: love you too
Phone call end:After the phone call my roommate comes in, hey y/n why are you not dressed we have the party Lisa side, oh yes sorry I forgot but it the week and I don't know if I really want to and I don't know any one there so,
Oh came on you will be fine you have me and I will not leave your side so came on you can even wear one of my clothes if you like, okay fine but I will wear,my clothes Lisa side, as she side that I look at the clothes that she has and they are not my style, most of her clothes has holes, or they are really short,
I think I will see what I have in my closet, okay if you say so, I go to my closet and I don't have a lot of dresses clothes but I do have this red dress for special occasion, how about this I show her the red dress, um don't you think it's a little too classy, well this Is the only this I have and no affect but your clothes are not me,Okay it looks nice I like it know you have to let me do your make up, oh I don't know, come on I will do how you want it, okay I want light make up okay, okay I got you 😉 lisa side, after she was done I look in the Mirror and she did good not to much just the way I like it, as I was in my head, Lisa phone ringed,
Hello ....oh okay we will be right there, bye,Okay they are here come on let's go, she grab my hand and dragged me out the door we got out the door and I see a black old looking car but it looks in good shape, as we get closer I see Jungkook and I roll my eyes as I see him, we go in the car and I sit in the back and Lisa sits in the front of the car, hey jungkook Lisa side, good he side looking at me you know I was thinking you would not came he side, to me, I just look at him and his little smirk of his, I ignored him and we were on are way,
We arrive at the frat house and as we pull up there are a lot of people we get out the and Lisa comes and grabs my hand and jungkook was long gone in the house, we go in side and see a lot of people, me and Lisa goes to the living room area and I see some of Lisa's friends and there jungkook sitting with some girl on his lap maybe his girlfriend, Lisa sat me down in the Circle of her friends,
Oh Lisa who is this a girl side on jungkook lap, this is y/n my roommate, y/n this is Jennie, nice dress Jennie side laughing eyeing me up and down, I can tell she was making fun of me but I just ignore it,
Hey y/n I look to see who was talking to me and I see jimin and I smile hi how are you, good he side that is good, as we were talking lisa side we should play a game, they all looked at her and she said let's play truth or dare they all nodded there head, but it's this for kids I side not knowing what there were thinkingYeah not this kind of true or dare Jennie side but I was confuse, you well see Lisa side, so we play the game and as we get in to it I see what they are saying, now it is my turn, Jennie ask me truth or dare and I side true and jungkook laughed at what I chose but I ignore it. Okay I got one she side with a smirk, have you ever had sex, they all stare at me like they know what I will say, I choose dare some of them laugh a little, they one of them side I dare you to kiss jungkook, I look at jungkook shocked and see him smirking at me and Jennie that is on his lap push him towards me,
I have a boyfriend I side in my head, jungkook looks down at me and moves towards me until he's in front of me I get up feeling brave and bring my face Close to his and say " I am done with this game and walk off leaving him there" I go somewhere quiet and call Liam,

The rude boy / BTS ff
RomanceY/n is a 18 year old college student with a simple life, she has good grades, and a nice boyfriend, she always has things planned out in her head, until she meet the rude boy named jungkook with too many tattoos and piercings who shattered her plan'...