•Christmas Gift Exchange•

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🌻No ones POV:🌻

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No ones POV:

They grab their bags- well more like Izuku grabbed their bags because he's a gentleman and they walked out to the rental car Izuku got for their time in the City. They get into the car and head to the Air bnb Izuku rented for them to stay in.


Kaminari had no idea Izuku bought an Air bnb he thought they were just gonna stay in a hotel so when they got there he was in awe. He was super excited to explore the house so he helped Izuku with the bags so they could hurry inside.

"WOW IZUKU THIS IS AMAZING!!" Kaminari said loudly.

"I'm glad you like it Kami. I thought you would." He said chuckling a bit at his childish antics.

"Put the bags down and show me around!" Kaminari said a little pouty and demanding.

Izuku puts his bag down. "Alright alright come on." Izuku said holding a hand out to his lover in which kaminari gladly took.

"Let's look down here first!" Kaminari said energetically.

"Alright." Izuku said taking Kaminari to the kitchen. "This is the kitchen." Izuku said.

"Ooooooo" Kami said still in awe.

"This is the living room" Izuku continued.

"Woooww" Kaminari said very much still in awe.

"Oh and there's outside" Izuku drags kaminari to the backyard.

"A Fire pit'" Kaminari says very excited.

"Yup!" Izuku says proud of himself.

"This is so cool!!" Kaminari says hugging his man.

"I'm glad you like it" Izuku say hugging back.

"Come one let me show you the bedroom and balcony." Izuku says. Kaminari happily follows Izuku up stairs. "Here's the balcony." Izuku says.

"Wow we are so high up!" kami says while looking down.

"And lastly the bedroom." Izuku drags kami to the bedroom.

"It's so big" Kami says in awe as Izuku snakes his arms around his waist and starts kissing his neck. "Mhmm Izuku~" Kaminari breathed out.

"Yes baby~" Izuku says changing his voice to a deep tone as he starts nibbling Kaminari's sweet spot on his neck.

Kaminari grabs Izuku's face and pulls him to kiss his lips. They start making out as Kami turns to face Izuku and wraps his arms around Izuku's neck and Izuku pulls him closer by his waist. Izuku pushes kami into a wall and lifts him up. Kaminari instinctively wraps his legs around Izuku. They do this without breaking the kiss. They break away from eachother for a second to breath and smash their lips back together. Izuku bites kaminari's lip asking for entrance. Kaminari opens his mouth allowing Izuku in to deepen their kiss. Izuku then starts to walk to the bed and sits down. When he sits kami is stationed on his lap and starts grinding as they kiss. They both groan at his sudden movement ultimately enjoying themselves. They finally break the kiss and say..

"I love you Kami.."

"I love you Izu.."

Time skip:

It's now night time and Izuku and kaminari are cuddling on the couch and eating Chinese take out. They decide that they want to exchange their gifts for eachother. Izuku pulls out this box and Kami pulls out his box.

"Ok Izu open yours first!!" Kaminari says eagerly.

"Ok sure." Izuku flashes his smile. He then opens the box and pulls out a picture frame shaped like a mini ferris wheel with pictures of him and Kami together.

"So basically it's a Picture frame thing that looks like a ferris wheel and I added some pictures of us together and it lights up so you change the colors and all that cool stuff!!" Kaminari explained excitedly.

"Wow kami this is so beautiful.. I'll cherish it thank you, baby." Izuku said giving Kaminari a kiss.

"Your welcome!" Kaminari said with lots of energy.

"Alright now it's your turn!" Izuku says excitedly handing the box to kaminari.

Kaminari rips it open and his eyes glow when he sees what's inside. "YOU GOT ME A PIKACHU ONESIE!!! WAIT ITS LIKE YOURS SO WE CAN TWIN!" Kaminari yelled with much excitement.

"Yea! That's exactly what I was thinking when I bought it!" Izuku stated.

"Thank you very much Izu." Kaminari says as he hugs his boyfriend.

"Your very welcome Kami." Izuku says as he hugs the blonde back. "How about we go shower and change into our onesies?" Izuku questioned suggesting the idea.

"T-together-?" Kaminari asks.

"Yea together~" Izuku says with a smirk on his face.

"O-oh ok- let's g-go" kami said shyly as he got ups and walked to the bathroom Izuku following behind.

They walk in and kaminari sets the water temperature and gets undressed. Izuku walks in and starts to dress as well. Izuku adds soap into the bath tub making sure it's sudsy.

"Alright the bath is ready." Izuku said as he turned off the water.

"O-ok" kaminari said.

"Sit down let me shampoo your hair" Izuku said with a warm smile to help kami calm his nerves.

"Ok." Kaminari says in reply and has a seat.

Izuku washes his hair when he finishes he asks "Can you wash my hair kami?"

"Y-yea" Kami said. They started switching places. Kaminari was trying his best to avoid look at Izuku's body though the idea was very tempting.

"Your hair is always so nice and soft baby." Izuku said trying to help kami calm his nerves.

"That's because I use amazing hair products" Kaminari says feeling calmer and proud of his great hair.

"I don't use hair products tho I do plan on getting a hair cut tomorrow.. wanna come?" Izuku asks.

"Sure! And what kind of cut are you getting?" Kaminari asked curious of what he was gonna say next.

"Well I Wanna get a Um.. undercut" Izuku says hope kami likes that idea.

"That's a lot of hair to chop! Have you ever even cut your hair?" Kaminari asks curiously.

"I mean I've gotten a trim here and their but I've never had an actual hair cut." Izuku states a bit relieved his boyfriend didn't shut down the idea.

"Oh! Well I'm sure you'll look great!!" Kami says enthusiastically as Izuku finishes washing his hair.

"Alright let's get in the bath!" Izuku said.

"Ok-" Kaminari says as he turns around, but he forgot about that fact his boyfriend was naked and accidentally looked down at his member.

Kaminari stared for awhile until a voice brought him out of his thoughts. "You like what you see Kami?~" Izuku asked teasingly.

"I- um- huh- o- hehe- zjhdjdndkf" Kami got really flustered and had a gay panic after getting caught staring. "I-I'm s-sorry-" Kami said apologizing in embarrassment.

"It's alright, I'm all yours so I don't mind your looking~" Izuku said in reply to his apology. They then got into the bath and relaxed together. JUST A BATH SO NOTHING HAPPENED!!

They are now all done in they bath and they are wearing their pikachu onesies watching sword art online until they pass out.


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