Chapter Twenty One

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Sapnap darted towards his car, but Dream grabbed his arm pulling him backwards.

"Don't bother." He muttered.

"But Karl's gonna go to the cops! We're screwed if we let him get away Clay! The police will be here within the next half hour!"

"We're not staying."

What!? No no no no this can't be happening! I was so close to freedom! So close to leaving-!

"Grab whatever you need. Smash your phone and get in the car." Finally releasing Nick, we watched as he reluctantly entered the house.

"As for you... I should kill you right now." He gritted, pressing my head harder against the dirt. I squirmed at hearing that.

I didn't want to die-!

"But I won't. Get up." He stood up, grabbing me by my hair causing a small yelp to escape my mouth.

"That's nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you later." He huffed, dragging me inside.

Slamming me against the bed, he grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed most of his wardrobe. I quaked in fear, darting my eyes around the room trying to find a way to avoid leaving.

Once I was in that car, there was no way I was escaping. If I was going to try anything, it had to be now. He wouldn't kill me. As long as I was alive it was fine.

He sped to the bathroom, and I took my chance.

I quietly shimmied off the bed, and tiptoed to the door. The floor creaked under me, I cringed at the noise and dashed to the threshold, but was holted back by the blonde himself.

"Not a fucking chance." He whispered. His words cold, cutting deep into my skin. I was thrown back on the bed, and within the next 10 minutes shoved into the back of the car.


Dream had decided to sit in the back with me, holding me down to make sure I wouldn't do anything, and honestly I didn't blame him. My plan was to break the window and jump out, because he had put child safe lock on. But of course that was just a passed thought now with the taller man pinning me to the seat.

"George I swear the fucking god if you don't stop struggling I'll plunge my fucking needle right into your chest." At that I stopped immediately, but his grip didn't loosen.

And with that, we began driving down unknown streets, backroads I presumed. He noticed I was trying to note where we were going, so he flipped my head down against his thighs leaving me in nothing but darkness and my thoughts.

I tried to avoid the thought of Karl bringing the cops to empty house, to me being gone, him thinking it was his fault yet again. But I couldn't. All I could picture were the tears forming in his eyes when he drove to the abandoned property.

After about an hour, Dream loosened his grip around my wrists, and allowed me a blanket that had been buried within things laying in the front seat. Using his lap as a pillow I settled into it, resting my eyes. He stroked my temple lightly, and I focused on his breathing for a while until a new thought wondered into my head.

If I hadn't grabbed the shoes would we both be free? In all honesty, I didn't regret my decision. I'm glad those shoes were gone. Everytime I glanced at them they taunted me, but I knew that wasn't the real reason I didn't regret what I did.

I loved Dream.

I could have easily held onto the side of the car while he drove away, or heck even crawled over Karl, but I didn't. It was because deep down inside, I wanted to stay with him.

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