Chapter 9🙂

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After school Magic and juane rides the bus
Dre house: Wassup kiddos yall had fun
Juane~ Fasho aye its this new girl and she so fucking bad 😩
Magic and Barbie ~ JUANE
Juane ~ What??
Magic~ finna take a shower and walk the kayy's
Dre~ ight stay safe sis
Magic~ I will
Magic gets in the shower
35 mins later
Magic puts on a yellow t-shirt wit Selena * Rest in peace babygirl 💛 * some grey biker shorts  some hoop earrings a necklace wit her name and throws on her yellow and gray jordan 1s and she does her hair in a middle part slick back she grabs her small bookbag  where she packs some night  clothes and 2 outfits along wit shoes and her phone along wit her lipgloss 💛
Magic outfit she puts on

After school Magic and juane rides the bus Dre house: Wassup kiddos yall had fun Juane~ Fasho aye its this new girl and she so fucking bad 😩Magic and Barbie ~ JUANE Juane ~ What??Magic~ finna take a shower and walk the kayy's Dre~ ight stay safe ...

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Magic walks down stairs and picks up Amoura
Magic~ See yuh later aunt baby 🥰
*Magic kisses amoura on her cheek *
Amoura giggles
Amoura kisses Magic back
Eisha ~ Awww 🥺
Dre~ our baby finna be 3 Sunday
Magic ~ okay love yall
Everbody~ Be safe ttyl
Magic ~ okkk
Magic begins walkin

She begins texting kayy
Finna use they contacts

01-22-21💍🤍~ wyd baby?

                                 Hubby💍💙~ nun playing the game and just ordered pizza and other stuff yuh outta school babygirl?

  01-22-21💍🤍~ yes I missed yuh 🥺

             Hubby💍💙~ I missed yuh more baby wya and when yuh coming ova?

01-22-21💍🤍~ im on my way now 🥰

                 Hubby💍💙~ yuh driving or walking ?

01-22-21💍🤍~ I'm walking
                Hubby💍💙~ Baby call me so I can talk the yuh and watch your surroundings

01-22-21💍🤍~ Okay ima call yuh when I go the store
               Hubby💍💙~ Okay baby until then text me ok?

*Magic Sees a black car pull up*
Jayda gets out

Jayda~ Heyy gurl wanna go to the mall?
Magic~ umm im good in actually goin somewhere and how yuh kno I was here?
Jayda~ me and my brother was goin out for a ride and I saw yuh so I told him the stop where yuh heading we can drop yuh off
Magic ~ umm im good thank yuh
Jayda~ yuh sure?
Magic ~ yea im walking to my boyfriend house and to the store
Jayda ~ oh okay well ttyl and can I have yo ig ?
Magic~ sureee um-

Hubby💍💙~Babygirl yuh good?
Hubby💍💙~Magic answer me yuh straight?
Hubby💍💙~ MAGIC Nvm im omw
Magic sees Draco from the passenger

Magic takes off and run
Jayda~ Ayo magic yuh good?
15 mins later
Magic runs into kayy
Kayy~ woah woah yuh good yuh straight?
Magic~ umm yea yea im good
Kayy ~ well let's go the food gon get cold

Magic sees the black car pass
Magic face turns red
Kayy~ baby yuh good?
Kayy looks around
Kayy~ baby yuh had a long day let's go

I'm sorry for the short chapters 😭😭 ima do better yall bare wit me

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