Chapter 12🥴

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School coming up 🙄 what grade yall in and when yall start?


Dre~ my mama cooking yo fav and me and amoura miss yuh 🥺
Eisha~ im on my way let me run to the store and the mall and ill be there
Dre~ promise 🥺
Eisha~ I promise baby
Dre~ ok bet!!
A knock comes to the door
Eisha grabs her bag and keys
Eisha opens the door
Eisha~ Bruh wtf
Opponent voice ~ Thought this was the end

Back to the story:
Eisha~ Bruh wtf is yo problem?
Draco slaps eisha
Eisha passes out
Draco puts eisha in her car

@ the school

Jayda~ omg they're so cute 😍😍
Magic~ wanna stay the weekend wit me my sister isn't gonna mind..
Jayda~ umm gotta ask my bro-
Magic checks her phone and sees eisha shared her location

Magic sees 3 new imessages from eisha
Big sissy🤞🏾♥️~MAGIC
Big sissy~ Magic I want yuh listen to everything im finna say
Big sissy🤞🏾♥️~ Magic I want yuh the listen to me ok call Dre and tell him Draco kidnapped me ok I am gonna share my location so yall can find where im @ ok I want yuh to be safe while we all this is happening continue goin the school and things but listen to what Dre says while yall tryna get me back DON'T CALL THE COPS
                      My headache 🥺🤍~ Eisha plz stay safe and ok im finna call him now
Big sissy🤞🏾♥️~ ok he's coming I love yuh baby🤞🏾   
                              Read Just now

Magic looks @ Jayda
Magic ~ We gotta go NOW
Jayda ~ ummm ok

Magic texts Dre what's goin on

A couple mins later

Magic and Jayda leaves
Dre~ Ok I we are gonna go back to the house and look around the see anything that could of happen before he came we also gonna look @ the footage
@ Eisha and Dre first house (yes they have more than 1)

They look @ the footage
Chris~ there go his car right dey
Kayy ~ man this shit wild where tf he took her?
Magic~ it says that there still driving so I don't kno...
Chris~ aye jayda remember wr use the come down here for summer break and stay in a house far from here maybe they could be there
Dre~ how far is the house from here ?
Jayda~ its a couple hours but he used the give me medicine so I wouldn't kno where we wad goin... but I have some screenshots of me and my friend life 360 maybe I can see how far it is from there
Dre~ ok check
15 mins later
Magic comes in the door
Magic~ I asked the neighbors have they seen a car earlier and she said it was a car parked across the street from us for like 5 hours-
Kayy~ So he walked up in the yard @ 12:15 so he was parked outside since 7:15
Dre~ how far?
Jayda~ 6 hours and 25 mins...
Dre~ ok let's start driving jayda and Chris come wit me magic and kayy yall drive behind us
A couple mins later
Eisha pov:
Eisha~ its so fucking hot in this trunk
Eisha scoots back and feels something
Eisha~ wait what the-
Eisha shines her flashlight the see a teen girl covered with blood with tape around her mouth
Eisha checks the girl pulse and she that she is still alive
Eisha Shakes her
Eisha~ Hey, hey, hey, yuh ok?
The girl wakes up a little bit
The girl:

Dre~ ok let's start driving jayda and Chris come wit me magic and kayy yall drive behind us A couple mins later Eisha pov:Eisha~ its so fucking hot in this trunkEisha scoots back and feels something Eisha~ wait what the-Eisha shines her flashlight...

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We gonna call her Madison

Madison screams
Eisha~SHUT TF UP YOUR GONNW GET US CAUGHT (She didn't yell or talk loud)
Madison screams louder
Eisha hits Madison back the sleep
Eisha~ wait wait omg
Eisha~ falls asleep
Magic and kayy pov
Magic looks @ kayy phone while it is ringing
Magic~ your phone has been ringing for the pass 25 mins who tf is calling yuh Kayshawn
Kayy~Bruh just ignore it 😒
Magic~ No who tf is callin yuh bck the bck like that 😐

The phone rings again and magic answers it
Kayla~ Hey baby umm I think im havin a miscarriage im bleedin and it hurts....
Magic~ Miscarriage?
Kayla~ Wait this his girlfriend im sorry
Magic hangs up
Magic~ miscarriage? Kayy who tf yuh got pregnant
Magic ~ who tf yuh cheatin on me wit tf is uo problem
Magic slaps kayy
Kayy~ Bruh chill tf out 🤦🏽‍♂️
Magic starts cryin and calls Dre
Big brother🥰🤞🏾
Magic~Dre can I get in the car wit yuh kayy he... (sniff) kayy got smb pregnant 💔
Andre~Finna stop @ the nearest gas station and then yuh can get in the car wit me

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