GURPS - Generic Universal RolePlaying System

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One of the oldest and most understated game systems available for the last 23 years is the Generic Universal RolePlaying System or GURPS for short.

Published for the first time in 1986, it won an Origin award for Best Roleplaying Rules only 2 years later in 1988. Following in the footsteps of the original rules set, many of the expansions and supplements have also won well deserved awards over the years.

GURPS has an amazingly loyal following, and it's easy to see why. Unlike many other games systems that cover only one genre be it fantasy or futuristic, GURPS allows the flexibility to learn one set of rules, yet play in any setting. If you're ubber adventurous you can even combine genres and have a real bout of chaos and mayhem when fantasy meets space, or combine magic with super powers. Also, unlike other systems that have uncomfortably complicated rules systems, GURPS boils down to 3d6 success rolls in most cases. This offers a lot more time for actual adventures and less time trying to remember which damage dice is needed for your newest weapon.

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, GURPS has never received the same kind of press and mainstream recognition that Dungeons and Dragons by TSR and now Wizards of the Coast has received. In the late 80's and 90's DnD was made out to be a bane by the press in many cases and it was blamed as a call for all kinds of unreasonable behaviors and crimes. That kept many people from trying it, or at least letting their friends know that they played. While on the other hand, any one who wanted to safely rebel a bit could pick up a few books and upset their parents to no end. Then they'd discover how entertaining and educational really roleplaying is, and most were hooked for life.

WOTC has changed that bad press in wonderful ways and roleplaying games in general are seeing a wonderful resurgence and renewal as every day folks are exposed to how educational the games really are at building math, reading and social skills.

Now in it's fourth edition, GURPS is still a solid contender in the 21st century roleplaying market place. Especially since more than 1.5 million copies of over 250 different GURPS books are in print and now GURPS lite is available.

GURPS lite streamlines the rules so you can get up to speed and playing even faster. Steve Jackson Games really goes above and beyond when it comes to making sure their players have all the variety they want or need and always with the supplements available. Much more so than Dungeons and Dragons 4.0, adventures, campaigns than any other system on the market. They even produce an electronic magazine called Pyramid on a monthly basis which is the combination of a mini genre book along with other gaming tools for use in the system.

Over all, if you are in the market for a new roleplaying system or you are tired of DnD at the moment GURPS has one of the fastest ramp up times out there to get you playing and and adventuring that much faster.

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