[SeungJin] Caught In A Lie

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"Inside the 13 years, I was there. So when you say na 13 years and I still love you. Where was I?" -Alexa Ilacad

Seungmin had always loved Hyunjin since they were young. They were 4 years old when they first met. Just little children running around the park, then finding out that they live enar each other. Their parents would always make time for the two boys meet.

At 13 they go to different middle schools. Their mornings are spent waiting for each other by the bus stop. Hyunjin waving goodbye as Seungmin boards a different bus. Their afternoons spent lazing around or doing their assignments in Seungmin or Hyunjin's bedroom.

At 18 they meet the 17 year old Yang Jeongin who just recently moved in. They became friends with the boy. Seungmin constantly teasing and cuddling the boy, while Hyunjin tries to spoil him. They get attached to Jeongin, Hyunjin more than Seungmin.

At 19 Seungmin begins dating Hyunjin. Nothing changes much, except that sometimes they spend times with just the two of them instead of three. They still spend time with Jeongin, too much time that people wont call it healthy especially for someone in a relationship.

They spend time in Hyunjin's room usually. Seungmin would usually sleep, tired from all the school work he does. While the other two would play or do something while Seungmin is asleep.

He usually doesn't mind when the two spends time with each other. Jeongin is there friend so its normal for them to spend time with each other. But nowadays he notices Jeongin staring more at Hyunjin. Hyunjin was already a clingy person, but he started clinging more to Jeongin.

Hyunjin would still go on dates with Seungmin, but the former would be focused on his phone instead of their date. Seungmin can't even count the times when Hyunjin would call Jeongin in the middle of their dates.

He doesn't react. He doesn't accuse them of cheating. They're his friends, they wont do that to him is what he tells himself.

At 21 they have their first fight. Seungmin finally snaps and accuses the two of cheating on him. He was tired and just finished his shift when he finds them cuddling on Hyunjin's bed. Too close... too close even for friends.

Hyunjin had denied the accusation of course. Saying that they do that alot. And Seungmin was just probably too tired. Seungmin ignores them for a week. Only forgiving Hyunjin when the boy shows up on his doorstep with flowers and a picnic basket. But even then Hyunjin still texted Jeongin while on their date.

That night something in Seungmin breaks.

At 24 Seungmin ends things with Hyunjin. Oh how he loved the man. But it was too much. In the end Hyunjin and Jeongin didn't actually cheat on him. But Seungmin wished they did. Maybe it would hurt less.

He didn't cry when he told Hyunjin they should break up. Now even when the man begged him not to leave. Seungmin knows he should leave, for his own sake and for others.

Seungmin's mother is saddened with the news but doesn't pry. She just comes over his room with a warm chocolate milk in hand and hugs her son.

Hyunjin's mother apologized to him. Seungmin doesn't know why. All she said was that she was sorry if her son did something. Seungmin just smiles at her and tells her that him and Hyunjin breaking up was for the best.

Seungmin leaves the country that year. Leaving everything behind, wishing that he could also leave the memories.

The same year he meets Felix. They become friends. Seungmin was almost afraid that it would be Hyunjin all over again. He puts the memories at the very back and tries to start a new life in Australia. Making sure that it wouldn't happen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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