[HyunSung] Happier

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Rqst by: anjisuu and njla26
Ship: Hyunjin x Jisung (Side: JeongMin, ChangLix, MinSung, WooChan)
This is a Harry Potter AU so that no one gets KUNfused here are the houses
Hyunjin - gryffindor
Jisung - slytherin
Seungmin - ravenclaw
Jeongin - gryffindor
Changbin - slytherin
Felix - Hufflepuff
Minho - slytherin
Chan - gryffindor
Woojin - Hufflepuff

"I swear to got Hwang Hyunjin if you don't tell him you like him someone else is gonna steal him away from you," the fluffy ravenclaw told his gryffindor friend.

Hyunjin just whined and buried his face in his arms. They were at the library, studying, before Hyunjin came whining about his boy crush.

Seungmin massaged his temples, the stress from the upcoming O.W.Ls and Hyunjin getting into him. Jeongin rubbed his boyfriends back and looked at Hyunjin pitifully.

"He's right Hyung. Minho hyung might steal him from you," Jeongin said with a small smile. Hyunjin shot up and looked at with wide eyes, "No, no, no, he won't steal him from me."

Seungmin glares at him and shuts his book close, "Don't come crying to us when someone steals him. I'll give you 10 days, if you don't tell him I'll personally tell him. That is if he's still not taken."

Seungmin stands up and kisses the forehead of his gryffindor boyfriend. Jeongin smiles and waves as his boyfriend leaves. Jeongin turns to Hyunjin with a unreadable expression, "You're the only gryffindor that I know that is like this. I swear to god sometimes I think you're not supposed to be in gryffindor."

Hyunjin whines in protest, "There's still Mark hyung!" Jeongin scoffs, "Yeah right. He ain't like you. He confessed to Donghyuk hyung a month into knowing his feelings."

Hyunjin let's out gibberish noises and gives up. He opts to opening a book and starts studying for his O.W.Ls. Jeongin shakes his head and returns to his essay.


The next day Seungmin was seated at the gryffindor table even though he was a ravenclaw. Jeongin beside him and Hyunjin infront of them head buried in his arms.

Seungmin just shook his head. Jeongin looked at his friends pitifully until something caught his eye. "Isn't that Jisung-hyung?" Jeongin motioned to the slytherin table where the squirrel looking boy sat with his friends.

Seungmin looked away from his food and looked at the direction Jeongin was pointing. He squinted his eyes and said, "Is that Minho-hyung beside him?"

Hyunjin shot-up with wide eyes and looked at the direction they were looking at. Hyunjin whined and tried to hit Seungmin, "That's not Minho-hyung. That's Felix!"

Seungmin laughed and tried to defend himself, "I just wanted to tease you." Jeongin shook his head and looked at Jisung's direction. He saw the other looking their way specifically Hyunjin's until Minho actually arrived.

"Oh, Minho-hyung arrived," Jeongin said alerting the two. Hyunjin and Seungmin stopped bickering and looked at Jisung and Minho who were talking.

Hyunjin whined once again ang buried his head on his arms. Seungmin laughed at the other, "You need to step-up Hyunjin. You'll loose him if you don't."

"Hyung stop teasing him," Jeongin said and slapped Seungmin's arm lightly. Seungmin smiled apologetically at his boyfriend. Jeongin leaned a bit closer to Seungmin's ear and whispered, "He was staring at Hyunjin-hyung."


Seungmin sits inside the defense against the dark arts class. Beside him was Jisung and infront of them are Hyunjin and Felix -a 5th year hufflepuff-

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