7. Morphine

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Kaia's pov

I was wheeled into a room with another person. I think they gave me morphine to ease the pain I had, as well as an IV bag and I think a couple of other things to make sure I could stay conscious until they could contact my parents.

I can't believe that guy got the upper hand. He beat me up bad. I mean, I was coughing up blood a while ago so he must have obviously done some damage. This is possibly the most embarrassing moment in my life. Maybe this or the time Natasha caught me in my room trying to take mirror selfies on my phone. I don't know what it is about being caught trying to take pictures, but I always feel so embarrassed getting caught in the act.

I just hope dad was able to follow Spiderman and do whatever it was he needed to do. Or everything  I just went through would have been for nothing. 

The nurse that had brought me in here, Kristin I think she said her name was, came in. 

"Alright so your vitals are not where we want them to be, so we need to call your parents. I should have done that earlier, but I was making sure that you didn't start throwing up blood." 

"uh alright." You said. 

"Who would you like me to call?"

"Can we just call my dad? I don't want to worry my mom." 

"Yes of course we can do that. Does the number look correct to you?"

She showed me the chart which I guess had my personal info on it. The number that was on it was Happy's phone number. I figured I should put dad's actual number on it and then call him to tell him what happened as soon as she leaves.

"Uh no that not right sorry, here can I write down his current number?"

"Of course"

I wrote it down and she walked out. I pick up my phone for the side stand and call my dad. He luckily answered after a few rings.

"Hello this is Tony Stark, what can I do for ya?"

He must be in public, because he always answers like that when I call him during a meeting accidentally or something like that.

"So uh, don't freak out, but I'm at the hospital. I don't know exactly what's wrong yet, but the nurse said that she needed to call my parents. I think I messed up because I g-gave her your number instead of letting her just call Happy. I'll explain everything else when you get here. By the way what are you going to do when you get here?"

I lowered my voice because I didn't want my roommate to hear what I had to say next

"Cause I don't think Tony Stark literal famous billionaire is going to be able to just waltz in without a second glance."

"I've got it, no need to worry. Just relax until I get there okay?"


"Okay, I'm getting another call. I'm going to hang up now."

"okay. I love you. bye."

He then hung up. I tried to lay down a bit more to get comfy but every time I moved or breathed the pain just got a bit worse. Shouldn't the morphine be working now?

I pressed the call button on the remote laying on the side table. After a few seconds that nurse Kristin walked in. 

"What's up? uh.." She glanced at the whiteboard on the wall and then looked back at me. "Kaia"

"I'm still in so much pain. I don't think that morphine is doing anything." I said. I watched as her eyes widened

"Oh shoot I'm so sorry, I don't think we actually gave you any. I was in such a rush to make sure you were stabilized. I'm so sorry let me get some for you."

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