"So... you and Vinnie, huh." Bryce says with a smirk. He checks her out and nods. "That man can do anything."
"We're not-..." Before she can finish her sentence a brown haired boy with blue eyes walks in the kitchen. "Hi." She greets.
"What's up, I'm Josh." He shakes her hand, an oddly formal gesture.
"I'm Hera."
"I know, Vinnie never shuts up about you... So, we're going to film a thing called Fuckboy Kitchen," he points to a tall boy with black hair, she knows it's Blake, Vinnie told her about him" would you like to be in it? It's fun."
"Sure, why not? I need to wait for Vinnie to finish working out anyways." They give her an apron and the video begins.
"We have Hera Drakos with us, and we're baking brownies today." Blake talks to the camera with a smile. "I'm going to ask you questions and you need to answer them, or we'll skip an ingredient from the list, are you ready?" Hera and Josh nod.
"I don't care what people know about me, so this should be easy." She says grabbing a measuring cup.
"Or, listen, if you don't answer, you have to take a shot from this 'water' over here, but you can only drink once." He lifts up a plastic bottle, but the way he said it, makes Hera think it's not actually water. "First question and we'll add the chocolate."
"You realize if we don't answer this, there's no brownies right? Just eggs and sugar." Josh says.
"That's up to you guys." Blake shrugs. "So, weirdest place you've ever had sex."
"M'Still a virgin, next." The Canadian boy answers with a smile.
"A skate park." Hera says, the two boys turn to her with amusement. "What? It was with my ex, he was a skater and... it just happened. I don't recommend it, my knees got all red and bruised."
"Now we know Hera likes skater guys, so there you go boys, if you want to impress Hera, just grab a skateboard." Blake smirks.
Josh melts the chocolate and places the bowl in front of them.
"To add butter and sugar: give or receive?"
"You mean head?" the dark haired boy nodded. "It depends on who I'm with, with guys I like to give, with girls... receive, yeah." Josh arches his brows.
"You are very open, miss Drakos." He mixes the ingredients in a separate bowl. "I guess if it's a one-time thing, receive, if it's my girlfriend or whatever, I like to give."
"Good, good." Blake reaches for the water bottle and drinks from it. "Dehydration is bad, so we should all drink to prevent it."
It's vodka. Probably some flavored Smirnoff by the way her throat burns.
"This tastes like shit, what kind of water is this?" She hands it to Josh.
"It's just Smirnoff." Blake answers. "Bleep that."
"Why do you drink this? It tastes like bad decisions."
"Hera, that's tequila, vodka just makes you blackout." Josh says. "This is nothing." He's making fun of her.
"Bring me tequila and I'll show you nothing." Josh squints his eyes.
"Is this a challenge?" He asks, already reaching to a cabinet for alcohol.
"Whoever throws up first is the loser. If I win, you've got to do a photoshoot in one of my bikinis." Hera already took off the apron, and she's rolling up her hoodie's sleeves.
"If I win... you'll be my assistant for a day." They shake hands and Blake sighs.
"I'll serve you the shots."
The dark haired boy takes out double shot glasses.
"At least spill some tea Hera, now that the cooking thing is not happening." Blake sits up in the counter behind the pair.
"What do you want to know?"
That's how the internet found out about Hera's ex-boyfriend cheating on her, how she met Vinnie and how she lived on the road for a while. Josh can barely stand up, he's leaning against a counter, his eyes are closed.
"What? Did you... did you gave up already?" She's slurring out her words a little.
"No fucking way." He takes a deep breath and gulps down the shot Blake handed him.
"What the fuck?" The trio looks at the kitchen entrance. Vinnie is standing there, shirtless, with his upper body glistening with sweat and his curls sticking to his forehead. Jaden is beside him with a gatorade on his hand.
flawless [vinnie hacker]
FanfictionHe's in love, he doesn't know it yet. But Hera Drakos will drive him insane to the point he'll even box some random dude just because he said some thing's about her. He just wants to protect her. Some spilled blood is nothing if it means she will...