Chapter 2 | Convincer

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I went to find Shadow, he was at his desk as usual his desk consists of ink a feather and a notepad, nobody knows what he writes in that notebook of his, but we are better off leaving him be. "Heyyy Shadow!" He turned his head with his eyes still on the paper then suddenly snapped his eyes up at me, "hello Emerald" What do you think about, eh- er- maybe starting up the boat and um-" I started to giggle and awkwardly stare at him, his crazy amount of patience still looking And listening "sailing to go find land" his arm swung Across his desk knocking the ink onto the floor "WHAT" he exclaimed, not angrily but not excitedly either. He Quickly covered up his mouth with both hands "sorry" He said quietly but still at a loss of breath from yelling. "I've Been waiting for someone to ask me that my whole life!" "Woah I- really?"  "of Course" "wow" I said under my breath walking Away, now that I got that out of the way. I only have Kiss left. Once she agrees, I'll have everybody, well Because- she's the captain! And the only one of us Who knows how to decently drive a boat. I'm hoping at least. "Hey Kiss!" I remarked not wanting to sound nervous "Hey~ Em" "I was wondering if you have ever Thought about actually driving a boat?" "Not really, I've Never even planned on it" I really don't think this is Going to be as easy as Shadow. "What do you think About sailing to go find land?" I added super quickly "Are you serious?!, after everything our parents told Us?!" "I know Kiss it's just we've lived here our whole Lives!" There's very dangerous creatures out there! We Could end up having to sacrifice somebody!" Without Thinking I yelled "then we'll sacrifice somebody!" "What!?" Screamed Kiss angrily "you seriously don't Want to ever leave this boat? Don't you think our Parents would want us to get to land and get off this Boat!?" "I suppose your right" "YES! Thankyou Kiss!"Finally we're going to make it off of this boat, I don't know what I was worried about, it was Always easy to convince Kiss. "Ok everyone!" Said kiss, "may I have your attention please!" Everyone Stopped dead in their tracks to look at her, they've Always listened to her, even though she's not that scary. "We are going to start up this boat and go find Land!" I heard a whole bunch of complaining "now now!" "I know that what your parents said to you is Important but don't you think our parents would want Us to do what we want and get off of this boat!" Some agreed and others it took time, but I think most everybody agreed because shadow did. "Your the only one who actually knows how to drive a boat, so? Get on with it!" Said Frankie "well there's a lot you have to do before driving the boat Frankie" "Like what?! Start it up and let's go!" "Sense your so eager to go guess we can" "YEAH!" Kiss went Straight up to the- well wheel I guess you could say, Some people like Frankie were over the moon, and Some Looked completely terrified of what was going to Happen, considering what our parents told us. I went down to Shadows desk to tell him what was happening, but as soon as I got there the boat started shaking "woah" said shadow as he stood up
swaying side to side. "Do you think Kiss did something wrong!?" I blurted in panic "for one her name isn't Kiss for two you don't even know how a Boat works Emrald!" "Yeah yeah your right...I guess" I Still didn't feel to good about everything. I looked out The window to see gears slowly start to turn and move round and round, I turned to see Shadow more happy than ever before! "Um Shadow?" "Yes?" He said a Little to calmly for how exited he looked "aren't you at least a little scared?" "Why would I be" "well you know there's creatures! And our parents must have Had some reason to tell us that? Don't you think? Don't you trust your fath-" Shadow had cut me off "I Don't trust that man one bit, so no. I'm not scared" "but I'm scared" I said looking out the window as the boat Started to move "that sounds like a you problem" "Your so complicated Shadow" "I prefer unique" "Yeah yeah whatever" the boat drifted away from the part in the ocean I had lived my entire life, thus is happening, this is actually happening! I went upstairs Away from shadow, just to see Frankie super exited And bouncy. Like how shadow was acting but 3x that.
"Hey Frankie!" "HEY EM HOW EXITED ARE YOU?!, CAUS I KNOW I AM ONE HUNDRED PERCENT" she was practically belting "I'm just as exited as you Frankie!" I kind of just sat on the boat looking out to the sea. I think I made a terrible decision. I couldn't stop thinking about what kiss had said. We will have to Sacrifice somebody?! I could hardly eat or sleep for days. I know there's creatures out here, but maybe They won't attack us. We have been on the boat for a couple of days now. I don't think anything will Happen, if something were to happen it would have happened already right? thats what I thought. Until the sixth night.

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