Chapter 1: The Very Beginning...

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I was just walking home from school. It was pretty hot outside so I decided to wear a dress, hoping I would actually get noticed in school. Does anybody have that one class where they just don't fit in, or is it just me? Let's just say for someone who doesn't fit in, I tend to hear a lot of rumors. I hear a lot of people talk crap behind others back: people they call their 'best friends' making fun of them with other people. I'm not one to judge, though, I really wish I were important to others. I always sit in class either pretending to be on my phone(which by the way is very crappy) , or do the work the teacher assigns. I guess I really am a nerd. Everyone else is either with a group of friends or with their "bae", what even is that? Well I shouldn't be one to talk, I've never had a boyfriend before because I always thought I was ugly. Some of the guys here prefer brunettes with blue eyes and sliming bodies. All I have is blonde hair with deep blue eyes. Hey, at least I'm half way there.

"Trina!" I snap out of thought when I see one of my best friends. Wait, let me rephrase that: my only best friend, Chris. Don't let her name fool you, she's probably one of the hottest blonde girls in high school. Or so that's what I've heard. Mostly all the girls are jealous of her, she's sort of like a competition to them. Chris and I have been best friends ever since freshman year, we both sat at the same table and well, she made the first move. . .

I walked into English, which was my first class according to my schedule. I felt a cold breeze down my back. I guess I must be nervous, I thought to myself.

"Come in! Come in!" hollered the teacher, "I'm Mrs. Bridgford, and welcome to my classroom. And your name is?" she asks as she grabs a paper and gently pushes her glasses towards her face.

"I, um, my name is Trina. Trina Johnson."

"Well Trina, you'll be sitting next to Chris."

I turn around to see where I sit and notice I'm standing in front of the class. I grab my books a bit tighter when the whole class started to giggle.

"Chris?" Mrs. Bridgford starts to look throughout the class.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Chris enters the class rapidly, almost tripping, and out of breath. "I'm- I'm- I'm so sorry, my other class was on the other side of the high school," she says as she takes deep breaths.

"Well. Trina will be in the same table as you over there," she points to a group of 4 desks facing each other near the window. We both walk over and sit down. Once I'm settled in my assigned seat I listen to Mrs. Bridgford start to make her introduction to the whole classroom.

"So, you're new here?" Chris whispers.

"Yeah. . . I came here from Nevada with my Nana and Papa."

"Oh, well you're going to love it here in Miami," she said with a smile.

After class was over, I decided to stop by my locker before lunch. I noticed two brunette girls headed my way. They look like they were juniors, so I closed my locker and started to walk before they got the chance to say anything to me.

Once I got my lunch I looked for a place to sit. I noticed an empty table in the back, so I sat there, alone. I looked down at my food and noticed how the pizza wasn't as steamy as it looked when I first picked it up. I wasn't hungry anyway. I opened my water bottle and started to drink little by little. I looked down at my lap and wondered what time lunch would be over. I played with my fingers as time passed by. All the sudden there was a slam on my table. I quickly look up.

"Hey blondie!" Oh no. . . it's the same girl I saw earlier.

"H- Hi. . ." I said quietly.

"What's wrong? huh? Afraid to talk out loud?" she said all sassy. Her blue eyes were full of electricity. My first thought was that she was just looking for drama and attention, but then I realized she was just trying to entertain her friends.

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