Chapter 1

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Y/N Malfoy and Tom Riddle have been bestfriends since they were very little. They've know eachother for a long time since their parents were "friends" or whatever Y/N never understood their parents relationship. Tom always adored the dark arts and they always imagined they were dark wizards like his father. Tom's father kinda scared Y/N a bit. Although Tom wanted to be evil and powerful he always had a soft spot for Y/N but its not like he was in love with her. The thought of love annoyed him. 

They both loved playing in the forest chasing eachother and they always just enjoyed eachothers company. They both felt like they had nothing to lose and they loved feeling free. That was until they had to go home..Y/N's parents were abusive and needy..we'll mostly just her father. Her and her father would always get into arguments but she always stood no chance. He would hit her and feed her only 1 meal a day it wasn't even a good meal. It was always like some crackers and peanut butter. 

Tom on the other hand tried to avoid his father as much as possible. His father would always make him do something crazy but since Tom was still little he didn't have to kill anyone, luckily. 

Other than all the abuse they had a pretty good life and if anyone tried to mess with Y/N, Tom would probably Avada Kedavra them sooo everyone knew not to mess with them. They spent most of their school time skipping all the boring classes which was pretty much all of them except for potions and sometimes defense against the dark arts. They really needed better teachers for that class. They really liked potions because snape was like a second father to them. He treated them like his own and he might seem scary at first but once you get to know him he's a really great person. They figured that out after bugging him about things and always spending extra time in his room. 


AN: How did yall like this chapter?? This is my first story so let me know if there's something i need to improve on! I think I did decent for my first time. Anyways let me know if yall want storys of other people or give me ideas for the future of this story cause i'm kinda just winging it lol. Anyways enjoyyyy and have a good day/night! <3

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